Pre-summer diet, anaerobic exercise – Sciencetimes

Exercise is largely divided into aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It is classified according to how it creates and supplies the energy source required for exercise. Although the energy production of exercise occurs at the same time, it is distinguished because there is a difference according to the intensity and duration of the exercise. Even the same type of exercise can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic exercise according to the intensity of the exercise and the exercise capacity of the exerciser.

Anaerobic exercise is a type of exercise that cannot be sustained for a long time because of strength and shortness of breath, and is called anaerobic or anaerobic exercise. Examples include sprinting, push-ups, jumping competitions, and wrestling. Anaerobic exercise is characterized by irregular breathing and shortness of breath during exercise. Learn about anaerobic exercise.

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Aerobic vs. Anaerobic, which exercise should I do first?

Aerobic exercise usually converts fat to energy, while anaerobic exercise converts carbohydrates into an energy source. Our body fat starts to burn in earnest after about 30 minutes of warm-up after starting exercise. Therefore, if you perform anaerobic exercise that uses carbohydrates as an energy source, and then do aerobic exercise that uses fat as an energy source, you can experience the effect of exercise even more. Therefore, prioritizing anaerobic exercise rather than aerobic exercise can be a step forward in dieting for the purpose of weight loss and body fat loss.

Aerobic exercise has the advantage of reducing body weight, body fat and sebum fat by directly burning body fat to satisfy kinetic energy. Sebum thickness refers to the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Anaerobic exercise increases the basal metabolic rate rather than the direct kinetic energy satisfaction and increases the usual energy demand, thereby reducing body weight, body fat and sebum fat. It is important to know the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise well and to examine the exercise sequence, method, and type according to the desired purpose. In the long term, anaerobic exercise is more effective for obesity than aerobic exercise.

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What is muscle loss?

It has been established that there is a close relationship between anaerobic exercise and an increase in muscle mass. In the case of anaerobic exercise, which consists mainly of general strength training, it is helpful in strengthening muscles or improving physical strength. As an aside, muscle loss is a word that dieters and gymnasts fear, and it refers to the phenomenon of losing muscle along with fat when losing weight.

In fact, muscle loss is inevitable when losing weight and body fat. This is because when we consume less carbohydrates through non-aerobic exercise or diet, our body breaks down carbohydrates into muscles instead of using them as energy sources.

The best way to prevent muscle loss is to consume protein after exercise. Examples include one tofu, half fish, chicken breast, and beef. In addition, intake of vitamin D is recommended. It is a component that affects the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle, and can prevent muscle loss and gradual loss of skeletal muscle. Foods containing mainly vitamin D are found in egg yolks, fish, and liver.


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