Predictions of a New Pandemic in 2024: Insights from Mhoni Vidente

2023-09-22 12:23:42

Hello Vidente surprised in the last hours by announcing that she had a special revelation with an angel who accompanied her and predicted that the world will suffer a new pandemic. He even gave a precise date of when it would happen. In his experience he saw multitudes getting vaccinated in the midst of desperation to get rid of a new virus. “It will be worse than Covid-19,” he said.

Mhoni Vidente stated that this virus could be the same Covid, but more aggressive. He told the fortune teller: “I saw how thousands of people were lining up again to get vaccinated… There will be a very important vaccine that will help us block any virus that comes,” he says in the video.

Mhoni Seer predicts new pandemic in 2024

The video had an impact given the latest news coming from India with the appearance of a possible new disease. “How can we solve that? Well, stay healthy. The healthier you are, the more faith you have in God, the better you eat, the more you exercise. As long as your body is strong, that virus is not going to do anything to you, you will become immune. But we have to take care of ourselves, because another pandemic is coming for the year 2024, in May, with a virus that is going to mutate,” concluded Mhoni.

Also read Daniel Ballesteros

In recent weeks, a new appearance of the disease caused by the Nipah virus was announced, which is zoonotic and has existed for at least two decades. Transmission to humans in Malaysia and Singapore has always been through direct contact with the excretions or secretions of infected pigs.

The authorities of a region in southern India raised the level of health alert last week after confirming the reappearance of the deadly Nipah Virus (NiV), which has caused dozens of deaths in this new outbreak, while measures are taken to prevent the propagation.

#worse #Covid

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