Pregnancy gymnastics: the 3 best exercises

Less back pain, more energy, a better body feeling and faster recovery after childbirth — regular exercise can have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. In addition, specific pregnancy exercises can help maintain your fitness and prevent excess weight gain.

Before you start: Avoid movements that make you feel unstable and that could increase your risk of falling, or if you generally don’t feel like it. Also, make sure not to push your limits and drink enough fluids.

Even if you have a high-risk pregnancy (bleeding, previous illnesses or an increased risk of miscarriage) or other pregnancy complications, you should only do the exercises in consultation with your gynecologist.

In the video: Danger of thrombosis – This is how pregnant women can protect themselves

The risk of blood clots in the veins is particularly high for pregnant women and new mothers. A gynecologist reveals how you can reduce your risk of thrombosis.

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