Prescrire’s Blacklist: Dangerous Medications Revealed by Home Insurance and Borrower Insurance Specialist

2023-12-13 17:40:02

The medical journal Prescrire published its famous blacklist. Smecta, Maxilase, Rhinadvil… These treatments, well known to the general public, are criticized for their undesirable, even downright harmful, side effects.

Summary :

For the 12th consecutive year, Prescribe lists the medications that should be avoided at all costs. In the crosshairs: treatments, at best ineffective; at worst, harmful to health, with a disproportionate risk/benefit balance. 105 drugs – including 88 marketed in France – are cited. Among them, products well known from French pharmacies, some of which are sold without a prescription.

???? Intestinal disorders: goodbye my Smecta, goodbye my Vogalene

Although very popular with the French, Smecta is much less harmless than it seems. Used to treat various intestinal disorders, it contains in particular… lead! A substance known for its toxic repercussions at the neurological, hematological, renal and cardiovascular levels. Not to mention the reprotoxic effects (damage to reproductive functions)…

Still linked to the gastric system, Vogalene and Vogalib, drugs against nausea and vomiting, are also singled out. In question: metopimazine, an antiemetic which would expose one to “ heart rhythm disturbances, ischemic strokes (…) and sudden deaths “. For digestive disorders not requiring medical treatment, the review instead recommends the use of clay-free antacids, such as Gaviscon.

???? Cough, cold… Be wary of these medications that are still too common

A great winter favorite, Maxilase, used to treat sore throats, contains an ultimately ineffective enzyme, alpha-amylase.. Compared to a placebo, however, it can cause skin or allergic disorders that are sometimes very serious.

As for cold treatments (Actifed, Rhinadvil, Humex, Nurofen, Dolirhume), they cause fatal cardiovascular disorders, optic neuropathies, and ischemic colitis. All in all, very serious consequences for an illness as benign as a simple cold.

Many cough suppressants also appear on the Prescrire blacklist: Muxol, Bisolvon, and Toplexil.

???? Anti-inflammatory: beware of diclofenac!

Present in Voltarene in particular, diclofenac causes “ an increase in cardiovascular adverse effects (including myocardial infarction, heart failure) and deaths of cardiovascular origin compared to other equally effective NSAIDs “. With few side effects, paracetamol remains the first treatment indicated in case of pain or feverpossibly replaced by ibuprofen or naproxen if it proves ineffective.

#Smecta #Maxilase #silent #killers #blacklisted #Prescrire

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