Presidential Candidate: “I’m Getting a Bulletproof Vest” – America

2023-08-17 13:00:00

It was a huge surprise that Bernardo Arévalo managed on June 25th. Contrary to forecasts, the ex-diplomat came second in the Guatemalan presidential run-off election, which will take place on Sunday. The 64-year-old will play against Sandra Torres. The former first lady is regarded as a representative of the country’s powerful elite, which the corruption fighter Arévalo has declared war on. Within a short time, the centre-left politician has become a beacon of hope, whom the elites – ultimately unsuccessfully – tried to exclude from the runoff election. His chances are good here, and he is clearly ahead in surveys. In the STANDARD interview, he outlines what he intends to do with the country if he wins.

#Presidential #Candidate #Bulletproof #Vest #America

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