Preventing and Treating Age Spots: Effective Laser Treatment and Daily Prevention Tips

2023-09-08 07:20:16

UV exposure is the main cause

Entered 2023.09.07 15:00 Views 5,252 Entered 2023.09.07 15:00 Modified 2023.09.07 18:28 Views 5,252

Even if you are not elderly, age spots can appear on your face. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Ms. A, a working woman in her mid-30s, is currently worried about age spots on her face. She usually enjoys outdoor sports and leisure activities, but her age spots have increased and become darker, possibly because she did not apply sunscreen properly during her vacation last summer. Because of her dull image, she finds it burdensome to even go see anyone.

Age spots are a type of benign skin tumor. The name of the disease is ‘seborrheic keratosis’. It occurs when the skin’s defense function is destroyed by strong and continuous ultraviolet rays. A good example is that although hands with gloves are fine, age spots appear on the backs of hands without gloves.

Age spots appear more severely in areas that are exposed to more sunlight. It begins as early as the 20s and 30s, and its form becomes increasingly clear as one enters adulthood and old age. It usually starts on the face and gradually moves to the backs of the hands, arms, and legs. It is different from ‘actinic keratosis,’ which is a precursor lesion of skin cancer. However, in very rare cases, the early symptoms of skin cancer such as melanoma or squamous cell cancer may appear similar to age spots.

Age spots rarely cause malignant changes, but if the age spot is accompanied by inflammation and a scab forms or suddenly grows, it may be skin cancer and a biopsy should be performed. In other words, if age spots suddenly grow larger or there are strange changes on the surface, it is best to immediately visit a dermatologist or other hospital for a checkup. This is because the incidence of skin cancer is currently rapidly increasing in Korea.

Laser age spot removal treatment is effective

Age spots have the characteristic that they do not heal naturally. There is a saying that taking vitamin C or vitamin E will eliminate age spots, but there is no evidence. If left as is, the color will darken and spread to other areas, so it is advisable to treat it early. Not only does it look unsightly at a young age, but it also causes the perception that one is psychologically older. It causes significant disruption in daily life or interpersonal relationships. Experts believe that eliminating it as much as possible is beneficial to mental health.

Depending on the size, shape, and location of the age spot, laser treatment, chemical peeling, cryotherapy, and electrocautery are used, but laser treatment can remove many lesions in a relatively short period of time. It also reduces side effects such as scarring and pigmentation. For age spots, treatment results are better if you use different laser devices depending on whether they are protruding or flat.

The following are daily rules for preventing age spots. First, avoid excessive sunlight and block ultraviolet rays. Second, eat a balanced diet. Third, relieve fatigue and stress well. Fourth, get a good night’s sleep. Fifth, do not cause excessive irritation to the skin. Sixth, refrain from abusing steroid ointments. Seven, wash off well after applying heavy makeup. Eight, quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Nine, avoid overwork. Avoid heat, processed, instant, and caffeine-containing foods.

#age #spots #start #20s.. #scabs

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