Preventing Anger: Self-Awareness Techniques, Mindfulness, and Conflict Resolution

2023-07-06 15:29:05

Anger can be prevented through self-awareness. When a person manages to identify the patterns that trigger their anger, identifies what annoys them, makes them desperate, pushes them to the limit and forces them to react negatively or violently, they begin to consider different options to calm down or, even, to avoid or postpone the situations that generate it. “Some people need space to be alone or time to think. Others decide to exercise or practice some sport or some technique of mindfulnesssuch as meditation, mindful breathing, or relaxation. There are also those who choose to improve their communication skills to be able to express what they feel assertively, or learn conflict resolution techniques. All this prevents negative emotions from accumulating until explode and cause damage”, complements Dr. Ruiz.

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