Preventing fatty liver: Why sleeping is also important

Sleep is not only important for the psyche, but also for the body, the immune system and the regeneration of organs such as the liver. A fatty liver can be promoted by sleep disorders.

Getting enough sleep and rest is important because rest helps the body to regenerate. In this way, physical and mental functions are stabilized during sleep at night, growth hormones are released, the immune system is stimulated, wound healing is accelerated and the formation of new proteins is stimulated. In addition, cell division is activated in the various organs such as the liver and skin as well as in the bone marrow. The regeneration of the body and organs is particularly evident in the deep sleep phase. reports on the effects of poor sleep quality on the liver and the development of fatty liver.

Sleep disorders not only affect the immune system, but also the function of organs such as the liver can be affected.

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Those who sleep poorly are not only tired and exhausted the next day, but are usually also less able to concentrate, less receptive and more easily irritable. In the medium and long term, sleep disorders affect the immune system and other bodily functions such as the kidneys and liver. Poor sleep can also promote high blood pressure and increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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