Preventing Gum Recession: Effective Toothbrushing Techniques and Treatment Options

2023-11-28 02:00:50

Illustration – The harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth? “These conditions” may be caused by gum recession

26-year-old Ms. Zhu came to the dentist because her gums often bleed and hurt when she brushed her teeth. The doctor found that her gums were not only inflamed, but also receding, the roots of her teeth were exposed, and her teeth were getting longer, so he asked her about her dental history and daily oral hygiene. After analyzing the situation and arranging radiographic examination, it was finally determined that she was using a toothbrush with too hard bristles and brushing her teeth too hard, which caused her gums to recede.

Gum recession is related to these factors

Dr. Su Yingshan, a dentist at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, pointed out that the normal height of the gums should be located at the junction of enamel and cementum. However, as age increases, the proportion of gum recession will also increase. Taiwanese research points out that 31% of people under 30 years old can observe gum recession, while more than 80% of people over 30 years old have gum recession.

In addition, improper toothbrushing and brushing methods, excessive brushing force, natural tooth structure problems such as thin marginal soft tissue, high frenulum, tooth misalignment, root protrusion or periodontitis, as well as side effects after orthodontic treatment and periodontal treatment. Gum recession may occur.

A look at common ways to treat gum recession

Gum recession will cause the roots of the teeth to be exposed, which will affect the appearance and cause problems such as tooth sensitivity, tooth neck wear, or root caries. Therefore, if the periodontist finds from the appearance of the patient’s teeth that the roots are exposed and the teeth are elongated, they will First, ask the patient about their dental history and brushing habits, and then use imaging examinations to confirm the severity of gum recession and decide on the treatment method. Dr. Su Yingshan said that there are many surgical methods for clinical treatment of gingival recession, including pedicle flap transplantation, subcutaneous connective tissue transplantation, free gum transplantation, guided tissue regeneration surgery, enamel matrix derivative treatment, etc.

Among them, subcutaneous connective tissue transplantation is an autologous transplantation surgery. Therefore, in addition to the increased coverage in the early postoperative period, the tracking gums after transplantation are highly predictable and will grow back to the normal position on their own. This is a surgery with better root coverage. However, no matter what kind of gum coverage surgery is performed, there will be a recurrence rate of about 10% to 40% due to the patient’s own oral hygiene habits and the structure of the teeth.

Brush your teeth to avoid damaging your gums

Many people brush their teeth violently in order to clean their teeth, or use toothbrushes with thick and hard bristles, which in turn causes trauma to the gums. Dr. Su Yingshan reminds that you should brush your teeth using the modified Bethesda method and a soft-bristled toothbrush. People should have regular oral examinations. If there is gum recession, a periodontist should identify the cause and severity of the recession and provide timely treatment.

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