Preventing High Cholesterol: The Link Between Hearing Loss and Cholesterol Levels

2023-09-17 11:00:00

02:00 PM Sunday 17 September 2023

Written by: Shaima Morsi

Cholesterol is a health problem that affects many people. High cholesterol is a serious warning sign, and ignoring it leads to many health problems.

According to experts, the body needs cholesterol, a waxy substance found in the blood, to build healthy cells, but high levels are a dangerous sign for the heart, according to the Times Now News website.

As cholesterol levels rise, fatty deposits accumulate in the blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries and leading to death from a heart attack or stroke.

It is called the silent killer because it does not have many warning symptoms before it causes harm, and it may be possible to recognize it by ear.

How does hearing loss lead to high cholesterol?

A lesser-known warning sign of high cholesterol is hearing loss, so an inability to hear should not be ignored.

Hearing loss caused by high cholesterol tends to occur gradually and often affects both ears equally.

How does it start?

When high cholesterol affects blood flow, it causes areas such as the inner ear to not get the oxygen and nutrients needed to function properly.

When the inner ear does not get enough blood flow and proper oxygen levels, hair cells begin to suffer permanent and irreversible damage.

Hence, the higher the percentage of cholesterol in a person’s diet, the greater the chance of hearing loss.

How to prevent high cholesterol?

If you have begun to suffer from minor hearing problems, you should consult a doctor to conduct the necessary tests to obtain the appropriate diagnosis.

Aside from medications, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to feel fitter and they include:

Eat heart-healthy foods:

Change your diet according to your body’s needs and reduce saturated fats, found mainly in red meat and full-fat dairy products, as they increase cholesterol.

Avoid eating trans fats and make sure to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, protein, and vitamins.

Playing sports:

It is important to do at least 30-45 minutes of exercise and physical activity, as this contributes to raising “good” HDL cholesterol.

Quit Smoking:

Quitting smoking improves cholesterol levels and balances blood pressure levels.

Weight loss:

Being overweight or obese is a big attraction to high cholesterol in the body, so stop eating snacks and processed foods and move a lot to lose weight.

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#Warning #sign #ear #detects #high #cholesterol

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