Preventing Suicide Attempts: Warning Signs, Support, and Resources

2023-07-02 02:27:34

This Saturday, July 1, a man jumped from the bridge that is located in the North Terminal of Medellín and fell on top of a tractor-trailer. The driver of the vehicle was surprised by the blow and the subsequent fall of the subject, who was left lying on the ground. At the moment, the authorities have not ruled on the fact.

The increase in suicide attempts and cases that have been registered so far this year is striking. Just a couple of days ago, a traffic agent noticed a young man who was about to jump off the 10th Street bridge over Regional Avenue.

In this case, it became known that the young man was being pressured by digital “drop by drop”, who were extorting him for a loan he had requested.

You can read: It is known that a young man who tried to end his life was extorted by digital “drop by drop”

“He is being extorted by WhatsApp with a new modality in which, if he did not agree to pay, he would appear on social networks accused of being a rapist,” transit agent Johana Cadavid Hernández told El Colombiano.

How to avoid a suicide attempt?

There are different potential sources of help, some are in our inner circle, but others are available to any citizen.

Among the first group we can find support in close relatives, friends, teachers or trusted adults. In the second we include mental health hotlines, school counselors or guidance teachers from educational institutions, health professionals (medicine, psychology, social work, occupational therapist and other disciplines), listening centers, areas school and university guidance, and spiritual leaders, among other alternatives.

Warning signs of suicidal behavior:

Be on the lookout if you notice any of the following behaviors in a person.

Presence of thoughts or plans of self-harm in the last month or act of self-harm in the last year Serious emotional disturbances Hopelessness Agitation or extreme violence Uncommunicative behavior Social isolation
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