Proud!Ma Weizhong will work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in April Ma Ying-jeou: optimistic about its success

Ma Weizhong, the daughter of former President Ma Ying-jeou, has been studying and working in art museums, and she will also end her 8-and-a-half-year ink painting curatorship at the Hong Kong Museum, because she will be the deputy curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In April, she will move to New York with her husband Cai Peiran and their son. In this regard, President Ma Ying-jeou also praised the positive development and will be optimistic about its success.


Ma Weizhong, daughter of former President Ma Ying-jeou: “I grew up in Taipei, Taiwan, and when I was very young, my family would show me local museums.”

Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s daughter Ma Weizhong, who has not seen her for a long time, shares her artistic career as an alumnus of New York University.

Ma Weizhong, daughter of former President Ma Ying-jeou: “I decided to move to Hong Kong because I was married and my husband was already working in Hong Kong’s financial industry.”

After living in Hong Kong, Ma Weizhong’s most well-known experience is that since 2013, he has served as the curator of ink painting at the Hong Kong Museum of Visual Culture! Collecting and planning exhibitions of various works, such a profession, now needs to be displayed across most of the world.



The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York announced that Ma Weizhong will be appointed as the deputy curator of the modern and contemporary art department. The chairman of the museum’s art department also praised Ma Weizhong’s experience. He can make full use of his extraordinary artistic creativity and let the museum tell richer stories. Ma Weizhong also expressed that he is very honored and grateful to have the opportunity to bring the diverse voices of Asian art to the museum.

Former President Ma Ying-jeou: “I think this is a very positive development for her and for the museum. It gives her ample opportunities to apply what she has learned, and we are optimistic.”



She has always been very protective of her two precious daughters, and rarely mentioned her daughter’s condition, but this time, when she stopped, she rarely opened her mouth and couldn’t hide her proud expression. After all, the Metropolitan Museum is not simple. One of the museums, the number of visitors is second to none. It is understood that Lieutenant General Ma Wei moved to New York with her husband Cai Peiran and their son in April.

Studying and getting a job are closely linked to the art world, and Ma Weizhong starts life in New York again! And it is possible to meet my sister Ma Yuanzhong, because Ma Yuanzhong is working in the studio of Ma Weizhong’s former boss, artist Cai Guoqiang!

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