Psyche: The space mission that could make us all rich is about to take off

2023-09-12 14:30:00

The NASA space probe must be placed in orbit around the star in 2026. “This is the very first time in history that we will fly over a metallic type asteroid. The ten previous missions which have already flown over an asteroid were directed towards rocky stars,” underlines Emmanuel Jehin, astrophysicist specializing in small bodies at the University of Liège.

Psyche’s treasure

Thus, Psyche contains a large quantity of metals. According to spectroscopic analyzes carried out from Earth, the surface of the asteroid would be composed of 90% of metals: nickel and iron at 97%, then cobalt, but also gold, platinum, rhenium… According to calculations by the American magazine Forbes, Psyche’s treasure would make each inhabitant of the Earth multi-billionaire! It would represent a theoretical value of 10,000 quadrillion dollars, or, in short, more than the entire world economy.

Why Belgium is heading towards space exploration in 2023

”The Psyche mission is nothing more and nothing less than a concrete gateway to asteroid mining, that is to say the search and extraction of valuable extraterrestrial materials, for example from asteroids, explains Emmanuel Jehin. Several start-ups around the world are already looking into the issue. It is now estimated that a metallic asteroid one kilometer in diameter could supply the entire world’s need for metals for 3,000 years!” Psyche, for its part, measures more than 220 kilometers in diameter.

Gold… but above all rare earths

Be careful, however, not to get too carried away: “Here, when we talk about wealth to be extracted, we are not talking about gold for jewelry, because even if there is some, bringing a very large quantity back to Earth would immediately lower its value, recalls Emmanuel Jehin. On the other hand, the highly coveted rare earths used in the manufacturing of electronic components are a real challenge.”

On the science side, NASA hopes to determine the origin and specify the characteristics of the asteroid. This will help us better understand the process of planet formation and the Solar System as a whole. In addition, this analysis will be used for planetary defense. So far, the destruction of a potentially dangerous asteroid has been tested only once thanks to the DART mission. But the star in question was a rocky asteroid, of a better-known type and more fragile than a metallic asteroid. More precise information on the composition and density of a metallic body will therefore make it possible to better prepare to destroy one if the need arises.

Ultimately, if the composition and value of Psyche are confirmed by the American mission, the results could accelerate the race to exploit its resources. Terrestrial deposits are not inexhaustible and asteroid mining provides food for thought. However, let us remember that with current technologies, it is absolutely not yet profitable to look for metals in space, rather than harvesting them on Earth…

#Psyche #space #mission #rich

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