Psychological trauma in adults

2023-10-30 09:25:04

If after a potentially traumatic event, some people only experience unpleasant stress reactions or only manifest a fleeting traumatic disorder, others suffer from chronic disorders in the form of sporadic, recurrent or fixed symptoms in a real syndrome. psychotraumatic.

What events are likely to generate traumatic consequences? What are the parameters influencing the appearance, frequency and intensity of traumatic symptoms as well as their maintenance over time? What do we mean by resilience? What are the reactions and the short, medium and long term outcome of people faced with any harmful event? To answer these questions, the author explores all theoretical knowledge regarding trauma, offering a particularly exhaustive but accessible synthesis of traumatic reactions in adults.

This new revised and updated edition contains new chapters on polyvagal theory, epigenetics, memory reconsolidation, psychedelics in trauma therapies and some stabilization techniques; mental maps; new review questions.

• Psychological trauma in adults, Evelyne Josse, Ed. De Boeck, coll. Psychological openings, 3rd ed., August 2023, 29.90 euros

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