Put an end to emulator piracy Denuvo anti-tamper technology introduced to Nintendo Switch – Saydigi-Tech

Put an end to simulator piracy Denuvo anti-tampering technology introduced to Nintendo Switch

Fighting piracy has been the direction of the game industry for many years, but it is not necessarily a good thing for players. Denuvo by Irdeto at GamesCom August 24thAnnounce, will launch anti-tampering technology on Nintendo Switch to prevent unauthorized emulators from playing pirated works on the computer, in order to protect the rights and interests of game developers. In view of Denuvo’s “dark history”, the news also caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Image credit/photographer:Polina Tankilevitch

Denuvo is a “notorious” digital rights management (DRM) software. In the past, games using Denuvo technology, such as “Marvel Galaxy” and “FIFA 22”, had server failures and game performance was affected. and other circumstances, making Denuvo a target of public criticism among players.Amplitude Studio, the developer of the strategy game Humankind, received many comments from players last year, soChoose to deprecate the Denuvo solution.

According to a Denuvo press release, the Nintendo console has suffered from piracy for many years. Due to the lack of protection mechanisms on the Switch, newly released games can be easily extracted and executed on the computer in the form of an emulator. The company also promises players that its anti-tampering technology will be seamlessly integrated into the game without compromising the gaming experience.

It is unclear when Denuvo will land on the NS platform, so it remains to be seen whether this technology affects the Switch gaming experience. In addition, Denuvo began integrating with PS5 last year, but the purpose is not to fight piracy, but to prevent players from cheating in the game.

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