Putin fires Defense Minister Shoigu | Nachrichten.at

Shoigu’s successor is to be the previous deputy head of government, Andrei Beloussov, as the Russian state agency Tass reported on Sunday, citing the Federation Council. The proposals for the new Russian government were received there. Shoigu becomes secretary of the National Security Council.

Nikolai Patrushev has previously held this position. Patrushev’s new assignment will be announced shortly, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. According to the information, Putin wants to hold on to Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov.

After 20 years in office, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is also set to remain in office. The 74-year-old has been in office since 2004, making him one of the longest-serving foreign ministers in the world. Putin’s close confidant is considered indispensable for Russia in times of crisis. There had been repeated speculation as to whether Lavrov might no longer be represented in the new government that is currently being formed in Russia, given his long term in office.

No reason given for personnel changes

An official reason for the personnel change was not given. However, there had been some speculation about a possible dismissal of the 68-year-old Shoigus, who had been defense minister since 2012. A few weeks ago, one of Shoigu’s deputies, Timur Ivanov, was arrested on corruption charges. Observers interpreted this as a sign of power struggles within the Russian military and security apparatus.

Shoigu’s 65-year-old successor, Beloussov, was Putin’s advisor on economic issues for many years and has held various positions in the government in recent years. Among other things, he was acting head of government for several weeks in 2020 when Mikhail Mishustin was out with a corona infection.

The previous government constitutionally resigned when Putin began his fifth term as president on Tuesday. The 71-year-old was confirmed in March in an election that was internationally criticized as neither free nor fair. After Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin’s technocrat was reappointed on Friday, Putin’s first personnel plans for the future government were announced on Saturday.


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