“Quiet Dragon” .. A trio exercise ignites the Sea of ​​Japan

The Japan Coast Guard said at least two projectiles were launched from North Korea and ended their course outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

This coincides with the conduct of the South Korean, American and Japanese warships, on Friday, the first joint tripartite anti-submarine maneuvers in 5 years, called the"calm dragon"experts expect that "Pour more oil on the fire" Between Washington and its opponents in East Asia.

The maneuvers also coincide with Visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris to South KoreaNorth Korea’s renewal of its ballistic missile tests, and exercises carried out by Seoul and Washington, and the escalation of the Russia-Japan crisis over the Kuril Islands.

Kamala Harris visit details

  • The US official’s visit aimed to confirm Washington’s alliance with Seoul in confronting Pyongyang, according to the agency "AFP".
  • She visited the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas.
  • She condemned North Korea’s missile tests, and warned of a war between the two Koreas.
  • She announced her country’s commitment to defending "stable and strong" About South Korea, according to the agency "Yonhap"And the security of its Asian allies, according to the agency "Associated Press".

What regarding maneuvers?

The tripartite maneuvers lasted a day off the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula, and included training on:

  • Dealing with Buoyang’s efforts to enhance its ability to launch missiles from submarines.
  • A simulation of targeting a North Korean nuclear-powered submarine.

For the first time, the US aircraft carrier participated in the exercises "USS Ronald Reagan"It included American, South Korean and Japanese destroyers.

Captain Cho Chung-ho, commander of the South Korean Navy that participated in the exercise, announced in a statement: "We will respond and neutralize any form of North Korean provocation, in a crushing and decisive manner".

The challenges of North Korea’s experience

Days following a previous test and a day before the visit of the US Vice President to Seoul, North Korea launched, on Wednesday, two short-range ballistic missiles, and launched, on Thursday, missiles following leaving Kamala.

  • The two missiles traveled 360 km at an altitude of 30 km and at a speed of Mach 6.
  • The Japanese Ministry of Defense described it as"Unprecedented and unforgivable".

Law "nuclear status"

And this month, the North Korean leader said, Kim Jong-unHe won’t give up his nuclear weapons and missiles, which he needs to confront "American hostility".

And his country passed a law that enshrines its position as a nuclear power, authorizing the preventive use of nuclear weapons.

Researcher Kim Jong-dae of the Yonsei Institute of North Korean Studies says: "Ballistic missile launch shows North Korea is trying to impose its power".

North Korea is building a nuclear-powered submarine, and has tested advanced missiles that can be launched from it; What constitutes a worrying development for its opponents; Underwater missiles are difficult to detect.

It also possesses nuclear-capable missiles that can reach the United States, South Korea, and Japan.

Japan and Russia crisis

In the same atmosphere, an escalation occurred between Russia and Japan around the Kuril Islands, Russian and Chinese maneuvers near Japan, and the arrest of the Japanese consul in Moscow.

Since the start of the Ukraine war, in February, relations have been turbulent; Where Japan and Russia expelled diplomats, and Japan participated with Western countries in imposing sanctions on Moscow.

Russia responded by canceling negotiations over the Kurils it controls, while Japan says it was seized by the Soviet Union End of World War II.

"strong message"

In the words of Russian military expert Vladimir Igor, North Korea’s missiles "A strong message in response to the military exercises of the United States and its allies".

and clear location "Sky News Arabia" that "Washington wants the exercises to control the entire region, reasoning that Visit Kamala Harris "Pour oil on the fire".

Igor expects that the tension between the Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang camps, and the Tokyo, Seoul, Washington and Canberra camps means that "There is no sooner solution to the crisis, especially with Washington’s insistence on being present in the region, claiming to support its allies".


The Japan Coast Guard said at least two projectiles were launched from North Korea and ended their course outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

This coincides with the conduct of the South Korean, American and Japanese warships, on Friday, the first joint tripartite anti-submarine maneuvers in 5 years, called “”calm dragonExperts expect it to “pour more oil on the fire” between Washington and its opponents in East Asia.

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The maneuvers also coincide with Visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris to South KoreaNorth Korea’s renewal of its ballistic missile tests, and exercises carried out by Seoul and Washington, and the escalation of the Russia-Japan crisis over the Kuril Islands.

Kamala Harris visit details

  • The US official’s visit aimed to confirm Washington’s alliance with Seoul in confronting Pyongyang, according to Agence France-Presse.
  • She visited the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas.
  • She condemned North Korea’s missile tests, and warned of a war between the two Koreas.
  • She announced her country’s commitment to a “steady and strong” defense of South Korea, according to the “Yonhap Agency”, and to the security of its Asian allies, according to the Associated Press.

What regarding maneuvers?

The tripartite maneuvers lasted a day off the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula, and included training on:

  • Dealing with Buoyang’s efforts to enhance its ability to launch missiles from submarines.
  • A simulation of targeting a North Korean nuclear-powered submarine.

For the first time, the US aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan participated in the exercises, and included American, South Korean and Japanese destroyers.

“We will respond and neutralize any form of North Korean provocations, in a crushing and decisive manner,” Captain Cho Chung-ho, commander of the South Korean naval forces that participated in the exercise, said in a statement.

The challenges of North Korea’s experience

Days following a previous test and a day before the visit of the US Vice President to Seoul, North Korea launched, on Wednesday, two short-range ballistic missiles, and launched, on Thursday, missiles following leaving Kamala.

  • The two missiles traveled 360 km at an altitude of 30 km and at a speed of Mach 6.
  • Japan’s Defense Ministry described this as “unprecedented and intolerable”.

Nuclear Status Law

And this month, the North Korean leader said, Kim Jong-unHe will not give up his nuclear weapons and missiles, which he needs to confront “American hostility.”

And his country passed a law that enshrines its position as a nuclear power, authorizing the preventive use of nuclear weapons.

“The ballistic missile launch shows that North Korea is trying to impose its own power,” says researcher Kim Jong Dae of the Yonsei Institute of North Korean Studies.

North Korea is building a nuclear-powered submarine, and has tested advanced missiles that can be launched from it; What constitutes a worrying development for its opponents; Underwater missiles are difficult to detect.

It also possesses nuclear-capable missiles that can reach the United States, South Korea, and Japan.

Japan and Russia crisis

In the same atmosphere, an escalation occurred between Russia and Japan around the Kuril Islands, Russian and Chinese maneuvers near Japan, and the arrest of the Japanese consul in Moscow.

Since the start of the Ukraine war, in February, relations have been turbulent; Where Japan and Russia expelled diplomats, and Japan participated with Western countries in imposing sanctions on Moscow.

Russia responded by canceling negotiations over the Kurils it controls, while Japan says it was seized by the Soviet Union End of World War II.

strong message

In the words of Russian military expert Vladimir Igor, North Korea’s missiles are “a powerful message in response to the military exercises of the United States and its allies.”

He explained to “Sky News Arabia” that “Washington wants the exercises to control the entire region, noting that… Visit Kamala Harris Pour oil on the fire.

Igor expects that the tension between the Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang camps, and the Tokyo, Seoul, Washington and Canberra camps means that “there is no solution soon to the crisis, especially with Washington’s insistence on its presence in the region claiming to support its allies.”

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