Ragheb Alama raises his voice: “The truth is beginning to emerge.”

2023-11-25 17:15:09

Lebanese artist Ragheb Alama commented on the tragedy happening against the penny. Tinyin, as he wrote: “Israel has lived for 70 years. Eil kills, robs, kidnaps, captures, and humiliates the Palestinians. Tinyin lies to the world through media outlets that are dependent on global Zionism, Israel. Eil is Ar-Hab, and she is the one who created Ar-Hab and dressed him in the garb of Islam.

Conquer. This tournament exposed families. Shy before the world, Gaz. It won with the blood of its innocent children and the steadfastness of its people and families. It was defeated badly and exposed before history. Asra. The Nazi Party surpassed the Holocaust in its criminality… and now the scandals have begun and the truth has begun to emerge before the whole world.”

#Ragheb #Alama #raises #voice #truth #beginning #emerge

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