Reallocations: Babler wants a 90 percent levy

According to an SP paper, this should amount to 90 percent of the additional profit from the sale of converted properties. “It must not be the case that a few people enrich themselves through rezoning while affordable living space becomes increasingly scarce for the majority of the population,” Babler states.

In the case of reallocation gains, the increase in value of the property should be recorded by the tax authorities at the time of the reallocation and entered into the land register. A flat tax rate of 90 percent would then be due on the increase in value of the property through the rezoning – if the property is sold.

Pyhra: Real estate win for local boss

On Tuesday, a profitable real estate deal by a VP mayor from Lower Austria once again caused a stir. Günter Schaubach, local leader of Pyhra (St. Pölten-Land district), is said to have earned 222,100 euros before taxes and duties through the purchase, subsequent rezoning and subsequent sale of a property in his home community, as the “Wiener Zeitung” reported.

The SPÖ, Greens and Neos in Lower Austria criticized this sharply. The SPÖ called on State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (VP) to “finally send black sheep into political retirement.” Of course, VP regional manager Matthias Zauner also spoke of “very bad optics”. The municipal supervision of the state of Lower Austria has initiated an examination. The mayor himself considered his property deals in “ZiB2” to be “morally justifiable”.

VP regional manager Zauner: “Very bad optics”
Image: Parliament/Rastegar

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