Recognizing chickenpox: symptoms, treatment, duration – Current Allgäu news

Im Allgaeu are currently several cases of chickenpox occurred. What are chickenpox? Which symptoms have chickenpox and when do I or my child have to go to the doctor chickenpox? Here is an overview of the most important information about the disease.

What is chickenpox?

chickenpox are a very common viral disease, which is mainly characterized by fever and skin rash. Infection usually occurs in childhood, but adults can also contract it chickenpox fall ill.

Symptoms: How do I recognize chickenpox?

  • who is with chickenpox infected, initially has a slight feeling of illness for one to two days and possibly a fever.
  • Then the for chickenpox typical rash, small red spots all over the body. This causes fluid-filled blisters that are very itchy.
  • The fever can rise up to 39 degrees.
  • The blisters dry up and crust over after a few days. If you don’t scratch, there are usually no scars.

Is Chickenpox Dangerous?

Yes, severe courses can occur under certain circumstances, it says at the Federal Center for Health Education. Often they go chickenpox associated with pneumonia. Bacterial infections can also develop on the skin.

What to do if you suspect chickenpox? When do I have to see the doctor?

chickenpox should be diagnosed by a doctor as it is a notifiable disease.

How is chickenpox treated?

Usually only the symptoms the chickenpox treated. The most important thing is the treatment of the itching, otherwise unsightly scars can result from scratching. The doctor usually prescribes appropriate baths or medication to relieve itching.

How long is chickenpox contagious?

chickenpox usually break out about two weeks after infection. The problem: According to the Federal Center, those who are ill are contagious one or two days before the rash can be seen. “The contagiousness ends when all the blisters are crusted over, usually 5 to 7 days after the rash starts.”

Can you get chickenpox twice?

Not that one. who the chickenpox once had is immune to the disease. However, the viruses themselves remain dormant in the body and can later trigger what is known as shingles. Shingles is a skin disease that also often causes fluid-filled blisters to appear.

How can I protect myself or my children from chickenpox?

The easiest way is the chickenpox vaccination, which is also recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination. This consists of two partial vaccinations, the first at the age of 11 to 14 months, and then the second four to six weeks later.

Can adults also get vaccinated against chickenpox?

Yes, there is also a two-part vaccination here.

Where does the name chickenpox come from?

The name comes because the chickenpox are so enormously contagious that they can be transmitted “via the wind”. That for chickenpox responsible varicella-zoster virus spreads mostly via dropletsthat are expelled when you talk, cough or sneeze. Infection is also possible from a greater distance if you breathe in air that contains the virus.

Sources: RKIStiko, Federal Center for Health Education

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