Reconstitution of the Constituent Assembly in Crissier for the New Vaud Constitution

Around sixty former members of the Vaud Constituent Assembly convened in Crissier to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the fundamental charter of the Canton of Vaud. The reunion saw former members from various political ideologies come together to celebrate the occasion. During the event, Yvette Jaggi, former co-president of the Vaud Constituent Assembly, spoke in high regard of the work of constitution-making and described it as the most exciting political activity. René Perdrix, a radical, emphasized the importance of compromise between political forces, and historian Olivier Meuwly gave a lecture on the very first Vaud “Constitution” of 1803. The event was organized by the association of former radical constituents and was held at the Salle de Chisaz.

In conclusion, the reunion of former members of the Constituent Assembly in Crissier was a poignant moment to mark the 20th anniversary of the fundamental charter of the Canton of Vaud. It was an opportunity for individuals from all political spectrums to come together and reflect on the importance of their work in shaping the legislative landscape of the region. As Yvette Jaggi, former co-president of the Assembly, stated, constituent work is the highest possible legislative work and the most exciting political activity. The reunion served as a reminder of the power of democracy and the importance of compromise between political forces in governance.

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