Record Swiss Lottery Jackpot Winner Claims 64.5 Million Francs – Tips for Lottery Players and Winners

2024-03-02 17:10:55

– Lucky guy hits the lottery jackpot of 64.5 million francs

Published today at 6:10 p.m

No individual has ever won such a large amount in the Swiss lottery.

Photo: Keystone

According to the lottery company Swisslos, the Swiss lottery jackpot of 64.58 million francs was won on Saturday. No individual has ever won such a large amount in the 50-year history of the Swiss lottery.

Another person wins one million francs with six correct numbers without a lucky number. In the next drawing there will be 1.5 million in the jackpot.

To win the jackpot, you had to tick the numbers 5, 14, 33, 35, 36 and 41 for Saturday. The lucky number was 4, the rePLAY was 10 and the joker was 0 7 8 5 9 5.

Around 42.3 million francs end up in the account

If the winner played online, Swisslos will contact the person directly. If you have played at a point of sale, you must present the receipt with the correct numbers within six months.

After deducting 35 percent withholding tax, around 42.3 million francs end up in the record winner’s account. The first million is tax-free. The money must also be declared in the tax return as income and later as assets. A lottery win is taxed at the place where you live at the end of the year. So you could still move to save taxes. This will soon no longer be possible. A corresponding proposal in parliament aims to ensure that lottery winners will in future be taxed at their place of residence at the time of winning.

Tips for lottery players and winners



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