Recuperate, protect forests and seas, plant green and flourish in the past ten years_Domestic Channel_News Center_Yangtze River

2024-08-13 07:37:00

A view of the Qianjin Nursery of Tongbei Forestry Bureau of Longjiang Forestry Group.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Jianfei

Forest rangers from Longjiang Forestry Group patrol the forest area.

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Ten years ago, as the last logging call sounded throughout the valley, tens of thousands of forestry workers hung up their saws and stopped their axes, heading towards transformation and development. Over the past 10 years, Heilongjiang’s key state-owned forest areas have focused on building ecological security barriers, developing diversified industries such as eco-tourism and under-forest economy, and continuing to protect and improve people’s livelihood. The efforts to recuperate and protect the forest sea, plant and promote greenery are engraved on the annual rings of the lush trees, displayed in the ever-extending industrial chain, and even more active in the prosperous lives of employees.

Once upon a time, Heilongjiang’s key state-owned forest areas, mainly the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains, produced more than 600 million cubic meters of wood, which strongly supported the country’s economic construction. However, long-term high-intensity logging and imbalanced harvesting and cultivation put the area in trouble.

Starting from April 1, 2014, the former State Forestry Administration and the Ministry of Finance launched a pilot program to completely stop commercial logging of natural forests in key state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang and entered the stage of mountain closure for afforestation. How has the forest area’s ecological protection and industrial transformation developed over the past 10 years? How is life as a forest farm worker? The reporter conducted an in-depth visit to the forest area of ​​Heilongjiang.

The “old man” has a “new friend”——

Assisted by technology, planting a green foundation

Green is the background color here. All the way north along the Xiaoxing’an Mountains, there are lush forests, dotted with lakes, rivers and swamps, embedded in the forest.

Climbing to the top of the Xishui National Forest Park in Yichun City, you can see the continuous greenery in front of you and the faint scent of pine on the tip of your nose. Qin Ruiliang, the person in charge of the Xishui Forest Farm affiliated to Yichun Forest Industry Group, pointed to a light green forest not far away and said: “We planted this forest using high technology, and the survival rate is very high.”

The “high technology” Qin Ruiliang refers to refers to the light substrate seedling technology that will be applied on a large scale starting in 2021. “It used to take four years to cultivate Korean pine seedlings, and the planting period was less than one month. The use of new technologies such as light substrate seedlings not only provides better nutrition for the seedlings, but also helps them adapt to the soil. After two years of cultivating Korean pine seedlings , then put it in a light substrate container and grow it for 2 months before planting, and it can be planted in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn.

Carefully afforestation and forest protection have allowed the forest to recuperate and thrive.

On Baikalu Mountain, Xie Yong, a 58-year-old forest ranger of the Tahe Forestry Bureau of the Daxinganling Forestry Group, is holding his “old friend” loudspeaker in one hand and using his “new friend” on his mobile phone – “Beidou” from time to time. “Forest Patrol” APP can instantly upload information such as patrol tracks. “The APP can not only record one’s patrol trajectory, but also provide real-time feedback to the command center on problems encountered, which greatly improves patrol efficiency.” Xie Yong said.

Climbing up to the 24-meter-high observation tower, in a hut of less than 2 square meters, Wang Liuyang, an observer of the Zhanhe Forestry Bureau of Longjiang Forestry Group, was reporting the observation situation to the headquarters through the intercom. “Before, I could only use a telescope. For observation, drones are now available, and a ‘forest eye’ is installed on the top of the observation tower, which can use multi-spectral fusion and other technologies to transmit surrounding images back to the headquarters in real time and display them on a GIS map.

The vast forest is full of vitality. Driving in the forest area, pheasants, roe deer, etc. cross the road from time to time, and the number of wild animal populations is showing restorative growth.

Deep in the Dazhanhe Wetland National Nature Reserve lies the Usmen Wildlife Conservation Station. “Since the establishment of the protection station, we have rescued nearly 20 species and more than 100 rare birds, including bald cranes, white-naped cranes, and red-crowned cranes.” Gu Yanchang, director of the scientific research section of the Dazhanhe Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration, said that in addition to daily patrols, High-tech means such as protection and feeding, infrared cameras, and satellite trackers can monitor bird activities in real time.

In the past 10 years, Heilongjiang’s key state-owned forest areas have adopted various measures such as suspension, management, caressing, and restoration, and standardized forestry knowledge and technical procedures throughout the entire process from seedlings, land preparation, planting, and management to effectively restore the forest ecosystem. The forest area has increased to 21.62 million hectares, the forest volume has reached 2.158 billion cubic meters, and there are about 500 species of terrestrial wild animals.

“Good looks” bring “good value”——

Diversified development promotes the production of gold under the forest

The green grass on the shore is fragrant, and the pines and cypresses on the cliff are green. Every tourist season, the Longjiang First Bay Scenic Area of ​​Tuqiang Forestry Bureau of Daxinganling Forestry Group is very lively. “I will take my family here for vacation in the future. The fresh, cool air and natural beauty left a deep impression on me.” Wang Yizhen, a tourist from Chongqing, praised it repeatedly.

An Shichun, manager of Daxinganling Tuqiang Ecological Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said that in the past 10 years, the number of tourists in Longjiang First Bay Scenic Area has increased about eight times, and the scenic area’s revenue has increased from hundreds of thousands of yuan to more than 13.5 million yuan.

During this year’s May Day holiday, the Yuanyang Peak Scenic Area of ​​Founder Forestry Bureau of Longjiang Forestry Group attracted many tourists. “Since the park opened on April 30, the number of visitors to the scenic spot has exceeded 10,000 in just 5 days.” Li Wenguo, the person in charge of the scenic spot, said that the forest coverage rate of the scenic spot has reached 93%. The vast forest and pleasant ecology have laid the foundation for tourism development. Base.

Before the cessation of logging, key state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang followed a path of wood production and processing that consumed only one resource. After the cessation of logging, the forest area develops diversified industries such as eco-tourism and under-forest economy. It requires both ecological “good appearance” and industrial “good value”.

Walking into the understory planting base of Acanthopanax of the Founder Forestry Bureau, Acanthopanax seedlings are arranged regularly in the dense forest. “Our Acanthopanax seedling base cultivates 500 acres of seedlings every year and can produce 30 million seedlings. It has achieved self-sufficiency in seedlings and sells them to the market. This year, we have sold 5 million seedlings,” said Guan Jian, the person in charge of the base.

The mature Acanthopanax is sent to Longjiang Forestry Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrial Park. Here, dozens of acanthopanax processing machines are arranged neatly, and the workers are very busy. Zhang Daozhi, the person in charge of the park, said that Acanthopanax products are very popular in the market. After more than one year of production, the park’s output value has reached 60 million yuan.

In the blueberry industrial park of the Friendship Forestry Bureau of Yichun Forest Industry Group, Zhang Xingyu, deputy director of the park management office, wore finger gloves to check the growth of blueberries while explaining blueberry picking precautions to the workers. During a break from picking fruits, Zhang Xingyu told reporters: “The park has attracted nearly a hundred villagers from the surrounding areas to work during the off-season, with an average monthly income of more than 5,000 yuan.”

“Relying on the blueberries in the forest area, we produce dried blueberries, blueberry wine, and juice puree drinks. Last year, the output value was about 23 million yuan. This year, we plan to double the amount of blueberry raw materials used.” Yu, the production director of Zhiyou Forest Food Co., Ltd. Wei said.

“Axe-wielding man” becomes “New Forest man”——

Harmony between man and forest, writing answers to people’s livelihood

How can we survive without cutting down trees? At the beginning of “hanging the saw and stopping the ax”, many people in the forest experienced such confusion. The forest area adopts various measures to properly resettle employees and increase income and wealth.

On March 31, 2014, Wang Kai, an employee of Longjiang Forestry Group’s satellite forest farm, said goodbye to logging work. Later, with the support of relevant regulations of Longjiang Forestry Group, Wang Kai became a professional forest ranger.

“In recent years, everyone’s lives have changed so much,” Wang Kai said. “The forest farm has become a tourist attraction, and the ice and snow has become a treasure. These are things that I never thought of before.”

The former “axe-wielding man” has become a “new forest man”. In the satellite forest farm where Wang Kai works, there are many employees who work as tour guides, waiters, and run family hotels.

“The ‘ice and snow fever’ at the beginning of this year brought many tourists, and the 20 snowmobiles were almost never idle.” 46-year-old Cao Jie used to be a lumberjack and now runs a snow rides rental shop in the scenic area. “The income during the peak tourist season is considerable.

Yang Zhen, a retired employee of Yichun Forestry Group, developed and designed Northern Agarwood crafts and inherited wood art culture; Zhang Wenxin, an employee of Huanan Forestry Bureau of Longjiang Forestry Group, changed from a lumberjack to a guide on the forest tourism train; Amul of Daxinganling Forestry Group He Xiyan, an employee of the Longhe Forest Farm of the Forestry Bureau, joined the e-commerce live broadcast through free training provided by the Forestry Bureau, and increased her income by more than 20,000 yuan every year…

Open up your mind and adopt multiple strategies to continue to protect and improve people’s livelihood. The Songling Forestry Bureau of Daxinganling Forestry Group invited a team of medical experts from the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University in Heilongjiang Province to go deep into the front lines of forest fire prevention and firefighting to provide free medical consultations for firefighting team members, striving to solve the problems of long distances and high costs for firefighting team members to seek medical treatment; Yichun Forest Industry Group Wumahe Forestry The Bureau has continuously improved its infrastructure and built a number of colorful landscape streets; Longjiang Forestry Group has gathered outstanding talents by broadening promotion space and establishing a talent exchange and rotation mechanism. Last year, it introduced a total of 683 talents with a bachelor’s degree or above…

Stopping logging does not mean the end, but a new starting point. On the new journey, the forest area continues to build ecological security barriers, pioneers new paths in industrial transformation, and writes new answers to people’s livelihood. Some locals said: “We want to make a happy life as long as the green of Xing’an Mountains.”

Coordinator of this issue: Guo Yue

Layout design: Cai Huawei

Editor: Zhang Yi

#Recuperate #protect #forests #seas #plant #green #flourish #ten #years_Domestic #Channel_News #Center_Yangtze #River



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