Red funnel of fear: 2 signs of the zodiac will maximally tighten the powerful whirlwind of madness until July 7

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Astrologers have named the signs of the zodiac circle, which will directly tighten the powerful whirlwind of madness until July 7th. The black funnel of fear will engulf the representatives of the two constellations, and luck will completely turn away from them. The stars predict that Mars, Uranus and Chiron will make tense aspects, so these unfortunates cannot avoid serious strength tests.

You will have to go through a crisis in relations with Gemini friends. Connoisseurs of the stars predict that a break in relations with distant relatives is also possible. During this period, bankruptcy is possible due to participation in some collective projects, and plans related to financial issues will now be frustrated. There is a big risk that ambitions may collapse, and career advancement will be impossible.

This month will be a lot of trouble and anxiety for Pisces. Now there may be problems with close relatives, as well as classmates. There will be many mutual insults. Star experts warn secret relationships and dates can also bring problems. Now it will be very difficult for the owners of the mark to express their thoughts, and commercial and intermediary activities will be extremely unprofitable.

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