Reducing the rise in real estate prices by the writer / Basil Abbas Khudair

Real estate prices are witnessing sharp and unreasonable increases in Baghdad and most of the governorates, and these prices have reached numbers that raise a lot of ridicule and disapproval to the extent that they are now outperforming prices in many countries, despite what our country suffers from from lack of services, severe congestion, fluctuating weather and other factors that made us in Introduction The most unhappy countries among the countries, and if the source of demand for real estate purchase was not local and leads to encouraging the movement of construction and investment and the entry of wealth, the matter would be welcome and acceptable, but the reality of the situation indicates that most of the demand is of local origin and some of it has suspicions and by individuals and companies whose financial conditions are not commensurate with The prevailing prices, and these cases are increasing day after day without procedures and solutions. In some areas that they call elegant or desirable in Baghdad and the provinces, as soon as a property is offered for sale, it is subject to sale through brokers and agents, some of whom have appointed them to buy what is offered here and there at the prices determined by the seller. To the extent that much of the real estate supply is no longer with the real intention of selling, but rather to feel the pulse of prices, where the owner offers a specific price and when the demand falls on this price, he refrains from selling and then offers it. For sale again at a higher price that is closer to the imagination in prices, then the sale actually takes place, and although the issue is known, some ask about the secret of the high demand that has arisen for real estate in the last three years, and some are surprised at the position of the state that did not show interest or find solutions to the high prices Real estate, which dispelled the hopes of many to obtain suitable housing with available halal money to save their families from rent.
Although there are those who believe that the state shares with the concerned sectors negligence and shortcomings in finding effective solutions to the rise in prices, which is due to the imbalance between demand and supply for real estate in light of the inheritance of housing problems and the subsequent increase in population, and that the construction movement is not commensurate with the size of the housing crisis or other issues. Reasons, however, we believe that the concerned agencies in the state can use a solution to reduce the hyperbole in real estate prices and reduce them and keep them within their reasonable limits, at least with one procedure that does not cost them a dinar, and by this procedure we mean to hold the buyer accountable for the source of the funds with which the purchase is made in dinars or dollars, and this accountability requires Presenting evidence and documents that prove obtaining money by legal means as a prerequisite for accepting sale and purchase transactions, gifts and transfer of ownership of real estate of various types, areas and types, and it is a procedure that is supposed to be applicable for all cases under the title (Where did you get this from), but it is not applied to real estate, as the current situation For buying and selling transactions and registration of various types of real estate (housing, agricultural, industrial, commercial, etc.) Waer, despite its complex bureaucratic procedures, is devoid of this issue, allowing everyone who comes and goes to buy and sell real estate without searching for the source of the money, where it came from, and where it goes. It is a procedure followed (in form) in some transactions in government banks, but it suffers from absence in real estate. Some may believe that placing this restriction is inconsistent with the principle of freedoms and the right to own property guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution of 2005 or other legislation, but it is an inaccurate belief because the basis of any behavior is legitimacy and legitimacy, especially transparency in dealings.
Transparency has a set of requirements, including the disclosure of receivables and the source of funds, which is an important societal procedure. Certainly there is a lot of illegality in corruption, monopoly, fraud, plagiarism, concealment of facts, fraud and misleading. Types, forms, and assets. It is not reasonable for many to own real estate in the millions or billions while they are, in reality, unemployed, employees, retired, housewives, craftsmen, or others, and it is necessary and necessary for them to reveal the basis of the funds to ensure the safety of their source, whether it is from inheritance, profits, or sales. It was subjected to tax, or it was from an external transfer with original transfers, or from a reasonable saving, or otherwise. What is important is to ensure that the source is correct, sound, reasonable, and equal to the amount of the property, and some people have the right to ask about the authority that can undertake the audit of the sources of these funds and the guarantees related to their non-infiltration and corruption And the possibility of distancing it from the pressures and immunity that must be enjoyed by its employees or other questions, which are matters that we do not want to delve into. It is authentic because it is first important for the state to be convinced of the importance of providing this condition and being convinced of it as a tool that will close many of the doors and outlets of corruption, especially when setting control over foreign transfers and the exposure of many countries incubating corruption funds to financial crises that have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy and exposed their currency to decline.

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