“Regykla”, which takes you to the Curonian Spit, will function on the “TheATRIUM” competition Tradition

Radio journalist and sound artist Adomas Zubė, who joined the analysis and residency program “Neringa Forest Structure” 4 years in the past on the Nida Artwork Colony, throughout his residency researched precisely these fires, what was left after them, how they affected nature and the area people.

This yr, A. Zubė, invited to be a visiting artist of the worldwide theater competition “TheATRIUM”, returned to the 2020. analysis began. They, the method and its reflection, might be offered within the sound set up “Regykla” within the chamber corridor of the Klaipėda Drama Theater. “Regykla” might be open all through the length of the competition.

Adam Zubė’s photograph/Curonian Spit

– May you share the origins of your work?

– Every thing began even sooner than I believed. I actually do not bear in mind both 2006 or 2014. fires. At one time I used to be 5 years outdated, at one other I used to be 13 years outdated. I bear in mind them as occasions within the media, I bear in mind how my dad instructed me that in 2014 drove by the spit throughout the hearth, however I haven’t got my private recollections. My household and I used to go to the Curonian Spit very often, so we additionally drove previous burnt locations. I used to be very affected by that 2006. a fireplace place is a darkish, unusual, difficult-to-explain fear-inducing space. I used to be questioning what occurred there, it appeared that one thing was lacking there.

A lot later, once I arrived on the residence within the Nida Artwork Colony, I used to be most interested in the subject of the fires within the Curonian Spit. I approached them as a painful occasion, a tragedy for the forest, a wound – I thought of them in the identical phrases as these fires had been described within the media, as individuals talked about them. They’re partly proper, however once I began to dig deeper it turned out that it’s not a one-way factor. Once you take a more in-depth have a look at the burned areas, when you consider what was there earlier than the forest appeared, what occurs in them after the hearth, you start to grasp that fireside, even when attributable to man, might be interpreted as a part of the pure forest order.

– The set up description states that “Regykla” started as an exploration of mourning.

– In 2020, once I went to the Nida Artwork Colony, it was winter, quarantine. in 2006 the setting on the hearth station was additionally gloomier than now. I believed that nature typically acts as a mirror – we are able to challenge lots in it. The burnt panorama strongly resonated with how I felt on the time, what I used to be going by – the miserable temper of the pandemic interval, the loss in my private life. I used to be impressed by leaving the burned areas for pure restoration – it appeared a radical and therapeutic answer, as a result of the open and naturally rising areas began to see birds of protected species, resembling the bottom warbler and the plain.

I respect the outdated Lithuanian burial traditions – standing by the deceased, staying, ready. So even now, whereas creating the “Regyklos” house, I believed that visiting this room could be a type of vigil. Time and house to hang around with a sure matter.

Photo of the organizers/Curonian Spit

Photograph of the organizers/Curonian Spit

– What strategies did you utilize to check the chosen analysis object?

– I did not think about the form my work ought to take, it got here naturally. Within the residency, I did what I do naturally, my follow is radio documentary. So I interviewed individuals. I needed to speak to those that find out about that fireside, who noticed it, who fought it, who perceive the way it impacts nature. However I additionally thought of the truth that I wish to write a libretto for a musical piece utilizing these texts. I’ve written fairly a couple of items for choir, so it appeared fascinating to mix the choral factor with the documentary, to see how it might work. After all, ultimately I spotted that my interlocutors are so expressive, efficient and empathetic that it is very important go away them as genuine narrators and witnesses. As well as, I’m fascinated by the voice of the audio system themselves, the rhythm, which is what makes radio documentaries so fascinating. The voices of a few such witnesses remained in “Regykla”: Aušra Feser, the previous director of the Curonian Spit Nationwide Park, and Modesto Bružo, the chief specialist of the park’s biodiversity division.

– How would you describe what “Regykla” is, what parts it consists of?

– When an individual enters the chamber corridor, the set up house, he’ll get to Meška’s head dune, hear audio recordings from there, see the panorama and the dancers of the Nida people dance group “Kalnapusė” who maintain showing in it, hear reside tales from A. Feser and M. Bružo and from afar, someplace behind the dune, the singing of a quartet of scholars from Klaipėda’s Vydūnas Gymnasium. They are going to sing the chronicle of the Curonian Spit fires recorded within the media. There can even be a couple of benches in that house, we made them from wooden that we acquired from the native wooden archive of the Neringa Forest Structure Program – wooden for artists’ works is saved there, by the way in which, a part of that wooden comes from the forest clearing works within the Curonian Spit.

The competition itself was an excellent incentive for me to complete the work I began 4 years in the past, moreover, this yr’s TheATRIUM theme “Regardless of Us” resonated lots.

– “Regykla” is a musical set up – how would you describe its musical language?

– I learn within the outdated “Krantų” journal from the nineteenth century. Within the notes of a traveler who traveled alongside the postal route within the Curonian Spit, he mentions, when speaking in regards to the now extinct village of Kunci, that “a quiet, very delicate track floated from a distant dune”. So there may be an allusion to these people songs in my work, though I didn’t observe the genuine custom. The rhythm of the simulated people melody is mixed with media texts.

Plenty of vocals, a lot of lyrics and it is duet with a harmonium. This instrument may be very fascinating, I purchased it specifically for “Regykla”, it’s a small picket organ, a bellows instrument, pumped by foot. A. Feser talks in regards to the unstable route of the wind within the Curonian Spit, its gustiness, which causes many issues and risks when extinguishing mountain forest fires, so the harmonium in “Regykla” acts as a gusty accompaniment for 4 singers.

Photo of the organizers/Curonian Spit

Photograph of the organizers/Curonian Spit

– To date you may have touched on the theme of mourning and renewal – has extra emerged throughout their artistic course of?

– After all, after engaged on the identical work for 4 years, you discover completely different points of it, so extra matters seem.

in 2020 certainly, there have been research of mourning, I learn lots about it, the hearth as a metaphor was very spectacular, by it the understanding that the painful actuality that all of us confronted at the moment needed to be waited for, remained. On this context, I additionally appreciated the impulse to cowl up and conceal the ache skilled as quickly as attainable – after the hearth, there have been additionally those that had been in a rush to replant the voids that had opened up as quickly as attainable, to fill them, to cover them.

Later, I began occupied with the looks of mountain pines themselves within the Curonian Spit – about this place as a cultural panorama, so one other theme of human management and intervention developed. Rejecting it results in eugenics, anti-Semitism, and many others. matters. The Curonian Spit is just not distinctive, many cultural buildings have turn into parts of the panorama over time, we do not even assume critically that one or one other great panorama is synthetic, that the setting round us has been redesigned. This theme is answered and supplemented by the dancers of “Kalnapushė” seen within the video materials – in any case, people dances, what we perceive as people dance – are solely a closely processed, stylized reflection of genuine dance practices.

Media texts utilized in my work are additionally essential. Many individuals skilled the hearth solely by the tales offered by the media – experiences made up of essentially the most impactful photos coloured by feelings enable us to think about how objectively the story was offered, and the way a lot it was emphasised to have a higher emotional influence.

I actually hope that everybody who visits “Regykla” will discover one thing for themselves. The story instructed by my work appears easy, it may be described in a couple of phrases – there was a fireplace, let’s look forward to the burnt areas to develop again. Extra essential is the subtext, what everybody will learn between the phrases. Each story is only a instrument. Even the truth that I’m establishing “Regykla” in Klaipėda, a spot that’s solely half an hour away from the Curonian Spit, has significance. An individual will come to the theater corridor to see the great nature, which is true subsequent to that theater – a type of dystopian and even humorous second.

“Regykla” might be open within the Chamber corridor of the Klaipėda Drama Theater all through the length of the competition. It is going to be attainable to go to it one hour earlier than and one hour after every competition occasion.

Visiting “Regykla” is free.

The length of the sound set up is 45 minutes.

#Regykla #takes #Curonian #Spit #function #TheATRIUM #competition #Tradition
2024-05-15 22:09:46

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