“Rejunte de miserables”: Milei’s relationship with JXC became toxic and Maslaton celebrates it

The Deputy of La Libertad Avanza Javier Milei described the leaders of Together for Change (JxC) as a “gathering of miserable” and predicted that the opposition alliance is on its way to a “new electoral failure” in the face of the presidential elections. A fierce declaration of distance that was celebrated by the libertarian Carlos Maslatón: “A good one from Milei, after so many disasters that he has made “.

“With Together for Change I can’t have anything. It’s a bunch of wretches dragged by a charge who are united to see if they can steal a charge. They’re going to create a new failure. I am not willing to be part of a structure that is doomed to failure,” shot Milei in radio statements.

“We already had a rally of these characteristics: the Alliance. They got together to beat Peronism, but that government ended up horrifying. Later, they made Together for Changethe same strategy, which ended with a deplorable government”, described Milei, who in recent months he had flirted with the idea of ​​allying with JXC.

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Regarding the possibility of merging her space with JxC, Milei explained: “I cannot be in a place where the Radical Civic Union (UCR) is, it belongs to the Socialist International, whose vice president is Jesús Rodríguez, who was minister of Alfonsín’s hyperinflationary economy”.

“Much less can I have something with the Civic Coalition, when I am suing its leader [Elisa Carrió] for having told me that I am worse than Hitler. She says that she embraces the differences, but all the opponents who are not with them are sick,” reflected the libertarian.

Referring to Milei’s statements, Carlos Maslatón, another reference to liberalism, said that libertarians must have “total intransigence” and there must be “no arrangement with Together for Change in any district.”

“The objective of this 2023 is to prevent the return to power of those who destroyed Argentina between 2015 and 2019,” Maslatón said.

After the criticism, the presidential candidate rescued the figure of former president Mauricio Macri: “Understand what this is about. I had three talks with Macri over Zoom and one when Patricia Bullrich introduced us, that I was not yet involved in politics. Macri understands more about what this is about. But during his government he allowed himself to be influenced by Durán Barba, who is an unpresentable. But people can change and I think Macri is the only one who can change Juntos.”

Just a few hours earlier, Federico Storani, former Minister of the Interior and leader of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), spoke out against the possibility of Together for Change adding Deputy Milei to its electoral platform because “we are at the antipodes of what he poses”.

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Storani, even assured that for various references of the UCR “he is not a libertarian” but “an authoritarian with fascist biases.” In this sense, he listed the times in which Milei was in favor of “that the market does what it wants in terms of the sale of human organs”, that “weapons circulate without State regulation”, a fact that “produces a tragedy daily in America,” or “being a militant misogynist.

In parallel, he charged him with “having participated in VOX acts in Spain”, a movement associated with “Falangism and Francoism, and his slogan was to return to ’36, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War”. In addition, he pointed to him for relating “with fascist leaders”, such as the Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni, “who is heir to the Italian social movement that was fascism itself at the time of Mussolini.”

Within the UCR, Facundo Manes was another of those who dissented with the possibility of adding Milei to the opposition coalition. “All leaders are welcome, but there are certain limits,” he said, adding: “We are a progressive force, that is, economically liberal and pro-market, but also believing that the State (…) You can win an election and then you can’t govern.”


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