Remembering Henry Kissinger: Key Figure in US-China Relations

2023-11-30 04:43:52
2023-11-30 09:55 Compiled by Lianhe Daily: Xu Yuhan/Real-time reporting reported that Kissinger Associates issued a statement stating that former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger passed away at his home in Connecticut, USA, on the 29th at the age of 100.

Kissinger played a key role in US-China-Taiwan relations. When the United States severed diplomatic relations with the Republic of China and turned to establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing, the key figure was Kissinger.

Despite his advanced age in recent years, Kissingi is still very active in politics. In July this year, he visited Beijing and was received by Mainland President Xi Jinping, which shows his status in Beijing.

At this meeting, Beijing specially recreated part of the luncheon menu served when Kissinger accompanied then-U.S. President Richard Nixon on his visit to mainland China in 1972, highlighting the importance of Kissinger in the process of establishing diplomatic relations between the United States and mainland China.

Xi Jinping said at the meeting that Kissinger “has just celebrated his 100th birthday, and you have visited China more than a hundred times. These two ‘hundreds’ taken together make your visit to China of special significance.”

Kissinger pointed out at the meeting, “I am very grateful to China for arranging this meeting in Building 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. This is also the place where I first met the Chinese leader.” The relationship between China and the United States concerns the world. Peace and progress of human society.

Former US Secretary of State Kissinger passed away at the age of 100.Associated Press Kissinger United States

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#Key #figure #establishing #diplomatic #relations #United #States #BeijingFormer #Secretary #State #Kissinger #dies #years #Kissinger #passes #Global

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