Rendi-Wagner does not want “Black Peter”.

2023-05-16 00:31:00

Where the coalition of the ÖVP and the Greens needs a two-thirds majority for a law in the National Council, the SPÖ will only agree if SPÖ demands against inflation are implemented at the same time. The club bosses of the coalition parties, Sigrid Maurer (Greens) and August Wöginger (VP), criticized this announcement as “irresponsible”. Rendi-Wagner replied that falling prices are currently the most important concern for many people.

In this context, Rendi-Wagner also called for measures against child poverty at a press conference yesterday. Among other things, a basic child security should be introduced. Rendi-Wagner said she wanted no child to grow up in poverty in a rich country like Austria.

survey debate

Rendi-Wagner said she didn’t want to get involved in the internal dispute about the counting and control of the member survey, which SP managing director Christian Deutsch is currently fighting with the head of the election commission, Michaela Grubesa: “I won’t judge that.” The SP federal management presented an expert opinion yesterday, according to which the electoral commission’s desire for extended testing options would in part jeopardize the anonymity of the procedure.

foreign policy

Dangerous Doubts

Wolfgang Brown

The most explosive phase of the SPÖ member survey

by Wolfgang Braun

Dangerous Doubts


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#RendiWagner #Black #Peter

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