Research shows that more than half of players will be angry because of the game, and the game that is most likely to anger players is this | T Kebang

According tomedia Gamerant, numerous studies over the years have shown that there is no direct link between video game violence and real-world violence, but that doesn’t mean video games don’t make people angry. Because of its competitive nature, it is inevitable that players will get angry at defeats or character deaths, whether their opponents are real people or computers.

More than half of gamers experience “extreme, uncontrollable anger” at least once a week, according to a new study by Ben Treanor from time2play. Of the 1,046 gamers surveyed in the study, the average age of the participants was 28.6 years, and the average weekly time spent gaming was 14.9 hours.

56.4% of respondents reported extreme gaming-related anger once a week, and the study found that Xbox and Call of Duty gamers were more irritable. 18.4% of gamers said they broke something in a fit of rage, and 25.5% said they also “slapped on a loved one” because of video games.

Research shows that more than half of players are angry with the game, and the game that angers players the most is this one

23.5% of the respondents said that Call of Duty was the most likely to make them angry, which makes sense because it is a highly competitive game and players face serious cheating problems. The second is Mario racing. I believe that friends who have played it will understand it. After all, this is a game where friends frame each other.

It is worth mentioning that “GTA5”, which is considered to teach bad children, ranks last, and only 19.4% of players will be angry with this game.

Research shows that more than half of players are angry with the game, and the game that angers players the most is this one

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