restraint, control… How to create healthy eating habits

People with healthy eating habits have a habit of eating all foods evenly rather than judging good or bad foods. [사진=클립아트코리아]

You can’t get all the nutrients you need, but people with healthy eating habits tend to stick to the right diet. US media outlet The Huffington Post Characteristics of people with healthy eating habitsreported on


don’t choose food

Dr. Edward Abramson, a clinical psychologist, said, “There is no food that should be specifically banned. French fries aren’t the devil’s food, they’re just french fries.

overweightor obesityAlthough it seems that people who are in love can eat just about anything without a cover, in fact, most of them are themselves. Habit of eating only favorite foods because you gain weight According to Abrams, Dr. healthy eatingPeople who have a taste rather than judge whether food is good or bad all food Evenly I have a habit of eating.


eat as much as you are hungry

Even people with healthy eating habits like pizza and fries high calorie foodeat But don’t eat too much to make you feel sick. I think I’m pretty fullThis means that you no longer pick up a slice of pizza. I also don’t eat food because I feel depressed. emotional ups and downsDepending on the food intakerather than determining sign that you are hungryThey eat food when they come.


Don’t leave bad food at home

food is within reachThe more you stay, the more likely you are to eat it. at home snackThe more there are, the more likely it is to be stuffed. If you like bread, don’t buy it at home and go outside. chance to eatwhenever there is eating oncethis How to cut down on unnecessary calorie intake.

don’t set strict rules

high calorie foodeat or voracityIf you do guiltyhear this regretwill do To make up for this, strictly reduce the amount of food or starve. People with healthy eating habits don’t overeat themselves by overeating. If you ate a lot for lunch, eat a larger amount for dinner than usual. to reduce slightlyonly adjusted with I ate a lot for lunch. starvation or excessive exerciseIf you do, you will be hungry at night voracityBecause there is a risk of eating too much or eating too much the next day.

Reporter Kim Soo-hyun [email protected]

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