Retirement date? Amount of your retirement ? The answers to your questions

Please note, however, if you decide to take your pension before the legal age, you must submit your request for retirement at the earliest 1 year in advance.

To know the estimate of the age of your pension, you can consult section “Plan my pension” of the site The services of the SPF Pensions will allow you to know the earliest date on which you can retire as well as the legal date of your pension.

How much will my pension be?

It was one of the flagship measures of the De Croo government, raising the pension to a guaranteed minimum amount of 1500 euros net per month for a full career. The Vivaldi however aimed higher: the minimum pension will amount to 1630 euros net.

The federal government intends to gradually increase it over the next three years to reach this net amount by 2024.

To be able to benefit from it, it will now be necessary to have worked 20 effective years, at a 4/5 time. Maternity, breastfeeding or palliative care leave days will be considered as actual work.

To know in advance the amount of your pension, you can go to the website The nerve center of the management of your old age, the platform offers you to discover an estimate of the net amount that you will receive each month according to the date of your retirement. A detail of the calculation is also available for your pension taken at the legal retirement age or at the earliest possible date.

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