Returning from a stay in Spain, he tested positive for Covid-19, monkeypox and HIV

It is a very complicated return from vacation that an Italian has just experienced. After a short stay in Spain, the 36-year-old man initially tested positive for Covid-19. But further examinations revealed a triple infection with major viruses.

unprotected sex

After his return from Spain where he spent five days at the end of June, the 30-year-old feels flu-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, fatigue), reports Futura. He then proceeded to a Covid-19 test which turned out to be positive. But the same day, rashes appear along his arm, before spreading to his whole body in the following days.

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The man goes to the hospital Catania on July 5 to take tests, report le média italien Sky. The Covid-19 infection will be confirmed, the subject is also declared positive for the monkeypox virus.

The patient told doctors that he had unprotected sex with another man in Spain. To remove the doubts of a possible sexually transmitted infection, the doctors subject him to several screening tests.

What impact(s) for the patient?

The news is that he is also HIV positive. Doctors can confirm that this contamination is recent, via its CD4 level (protein which plays a key role in the immune system Editor’s note).

A week of hospitalization later, the patient came out of the hospital. He is now negative for Covid-19 and monkeypox, but must take triple therapy for HIV.

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This triple Covid-Monkey pox-HIV infection would be a first in the medical literature. Does it pose a greater risk to the patient’s health? “There is not yet sufficient evidence to support that this combination can worsen the patient’s condition”explain experts in the journal Journal of Infection.

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