Rhinovirus: everything you need to know about the cold virus

2023-12-21 16:48:48

Le rhinovirus, un rhume viral

THE rhinovirus are viruses responsible for more than half of common colds. There are more than 100 different serotypes of these viruses and yet the symptoms are almost always the same: nasal obstruction, sore throat, cough, fatigue…

THE infections au rhinovirus appear in autumn and spring but less in winter.

It should be noted that a number of other viruses can cause cold symptoms similar to those caused by rhinoviruses. This is the case for coronaviruses, influenza virus, para-influenza virus, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumoviruses, etc.

The diagnostic du rhume to rhinovirus is confirmed by the doctor on simple observation of clinical signs. A covid test nevertheless makes it possible to eliminate this disease which is the subject of greater concern.

Treatment is essentially symptomatic and complications are uncommon. More rarely, rhinoviruses can be responsible for sinusitisd’ear infections middle or lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia…) but also decompensations of theasthma and some chronic bronchitis (COPD).

Rhinovirus infections are very common due to high contagiousness but also the high number of serotypes and a short-term local immunity. There does not exist no vaccine against rhinoviruses. The only effective protection isapplication of barrier gestures.

Contagion: how do you catch a rhinovirus?

Rhinovirus infections are very contagious. These viruses are transmitted by secretions from the nose and respiratory tract as well as by the saliva.

  • Transmission is carried out by contact direct of person to person by the sneezingthe cough and the unwashed hands.
  • It is also possible to catch the disease indirectly via of objects or contaminated food.

Transmissibility lasts throughout the symptomatic period and as long as the virus can be detected on the hands and in the nasal mucous membranes (source 1).

What are the symptoms of rhinovirus?

After a incubation period 24 to 72 hoursrhinovirus infection generally manifests itself by:

  • A burning and irritated throat ;
  • Of the sneezing ;
  • The runny nose : nasal secretions are fluid and abundant during the first days, but then thicken and become purulent;
  • The stuffy nose ;
  • And general malaise ;
  • A mild cough which can persist for up to 2 weeks.

Generally, rhinovirus infections do not cause fever.

Rhinovirus infection can worsen asthma and chronic bronchitis.

THE purulent sputum or severe lower respiratory tract symptoms are rare in rhinovirus infection. Indeed, it happens that in fragile or immunocompromised subjects, a rhinovirus infection is responsible for pneumonia, acute bronchitis, bronchopneumonie or even the bronchiolitis.

A purulent sinusitis and anotitis mediamay result from rhinovirus infection itself or secondary bacterial superinfection.

How long does a rhinovirus infection last?

In the vast majority of cases, symptoms resolve within 10 days. The cough can sometimes persist for 2/3 weeks.

Rhinovirus or covid-19: how to differentiate these viruses?

Sometimes signs of rhinovirus can be confused with infection au SARS-CoV-2. To be sure, it is best to make a test Rt-PCR or anti-genic in order to eliminate the diagnosis of covid-19.

Diagnosis: how do you know if it’s a rhinovirus?

The diagnosis of rhinovirus infection is confirmed by the doctor by simple observation of clinical signs. The doctor may request an antigen test or Rt-PCR to be carried out in order to rule out the diagnosis of covid-19. There allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is also an important differential diagnosis to consider, especially in spring.

Note that there are PCR multiplex (distributed by certain laboratories) including the detections of several viruses including rhinovirus.

Treatments: how to treat colds?

There is no specific treatment for the common cold linked to rhinovirus. It is recommended to blow your nose regularly and carry out nose washes with physiological serum or sea water.

The reposa good hydrationn and one balanced diet are recommended for rapid healing. It is advisable toregularly ventilate your interior and maintain a temperature around 19°C.

Some medications can be used:

  • Of the vasoconstrictors to improve nasal obstruction. These medications are contraindicated in children under 15 years of age (source 2) and do not speed up healing.
  • Runny nose may be improved by first generation antihistamines (eg, chlorpheniramine contained in Fervex®) or intranasal ipratropium bromide nasal spray. The latter is also contraindicated in children.
  • Some cough suppressants for dry cough (dextromethorphan, codeine, etc.) can relieve coughs in adults;
  • The paracetamol helps relieve pain and fever. In the event of contraindications to paracetamol, it is possible to resort to NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen and its derivatives) on medical advice and for a short period. Indeed, NSAIDs expose you to a risk of infectious complications. Please note, aspirin should not be administered to children (risk of Reyes Syndrome).

THE antibiotics should not be administered unless there is evidence of a secondary bacterial infection.

THE antivirals are not effective against rhinoviruses due to the diversity of variants. However, some are sometimes used in patients at risk of complications in combination with other medications.

No vaccine but effective barrier gestures

There is no vaccine against rhinoviruses. The main protection consists of the application of barrier gestures:

  • wear a disposable or washable surgical mask when it is recommended (particularly in busy public places or gathering places);
  • ventilate each room 10 minutes every hour;
  • wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a hydro-alcoholic solution;
  • greet without shaking hands and avoid hugs;
  • cough or sneeze into your elbow or in a handkerchief;
  • blow your nose in a single-use tissue then throw it away.

#Rhinovirus #cold #virus

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