Rian D’MASIV’s Car Accident Chronology, Sleepy Driver Hits a Light Pole

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The manager of the band D’MASIV, Sisil, confirmed the news of the accident that happened to his band personnel and crew in Situbondo, East Java.

Sisil then explained the chronology of the accident which was thought to have been caused by the driver falling asleep on the way.

“Rian’s car was riding, the driver was sleepy. So it was like throwing it to the right and hitting a lamp post,” Sisil said when contacted by the media crew, Sunday (27/3/2022).

Also read: Rian DMASIV Experienced A Car Accident in East Java

Inside the car, there were two D’MASIV personnel, namely Rian and Rama.

Both suffered minor injuries in the accident.

“Now it’s more of a bruise after an accident. For Rian himself, the condition of his left eye is either knocking on the door,” said Sisil.

Meanwhile, Rama suffered lacerations from being hit by a broken car window on the right.

Also read: Rian’s answer to the DMasiv question is called copying the EXO photo concept

D’MASIV is scheduled to perform today in Banyuwangi, East Java.

However, the management is still not sure whether the singer of the song “This Love Kills Me” will go on stage or not.

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