Riccardo Muti will conduct the New Year’s Concert in 2025

This means you are relying on a real veteran, as the Italian has already led the classic event six times. In total, the 82-year-old has conducted the orchestra in well over 500 concerts. By choosing the native Neapolitan, Muti becomes the busiest New Year’s concert conductor since the legendary Lorin Maazel era. In 1993 he conducted the New Year’s Concert for the first time and also performed in front of the Philharmonic Orchestra in 1997, 2000, 2004, 2018 and most recently in 2021 on January 1st. And we will see each other before the next mission in 2025. The orchestra under Muti will open the Ravenna Festival for the first time on May 11th.

He leaves few people cold

Riccardo Muti, who usually appears imperious, spirited and self-confident, is often referred to as the “volcano at the desk”. In his native Italy he is partly loved and partly criticized. In any case, the Mozart specialist with a penchant for Neapolitan music of the 18th century leaves few people cold.

From his debut at the Salzburg Festival in 1971 with Donizetti’s “Don Pasquale” to his close collaboration with the Vienna Philharmonic: Austria is an important piece of artistic home for the superstar of classical music. “The relationship with the Vienna Philharmonic has always been the constant in my life. Vienna has always been my second home,” the music purist likes to say.

The father of three, who has been married to the mezzo-soprano Cristina Mazzavillani since 1969, was born in Naples on July 28, 1941 as the first of five sons. He studied piano at the Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella and philosophy at the University of Naples. From 1971 onwards, Muti conducted every year at the Salzburg Festival, and from 2007 to 2011 he was director of the Whitsun Festival.

In 1973 he made his debut at the Vienna State Opera with Verdi’s “Aida” and has appeared there regularly since then, most recently appearing here in 2016. In 1980, the Italian, known for his faithfulness to his works, was appointed first conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and in 1986 he succeeded his rival Claudio Abbado as music director of La Scala in Milan – a post he gave up in 2005 amid a dispute. Since 2010, Muti has been principal conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a post he resigned in the summer and was elevated to lifetime conductor of the renowned orchestra.


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