Rice vs. Pasta: Which is Healthier for Weight Loss and Overall Health?

2023-11-08 22:16:31

Although many believe that you should not include any type of carbohydrate if you want to lose weight, the truth is that this practice is not recommended.

Pasta and rice are two of the carbohydrates that are found most regularly in the daily diet of thousands of Colombians, due to their ease of access, their price and the versatility to cook them, making them ingredients to complement any of the meals. daily.

However, in the search for a healthy diet, many wonder which food is better between rice and pasta, not only for health, but to avoid gaining weight. And although many believe that you should not include any type of carbohydrates if you want to lose weight, the truth is that this practice is not recommended by specialists and there are even diets that include them in the eating plan.

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What is healthier, rice or pasta?

Even if you are looking for an answer as to which of these two foods is healthier, the truth is that both are very similar, since their nutritional contents do not have very notable differences. For example, both rice and pasta provide a similar amount of calories per 100 grams consumed, thus rice provides approximately 350 calories, this value may vary if it is brown rice; while pasta provides about 370, these values ​​may vary depending on its preparation.

Likewise, they have similar levels in the percentages of fats, carbohydrates and protein and fiber, necessary to avoid digestive problems such as constipation.

There are two big differences between these two foods, The first is that unlike pasta, rice does not contain gluten, so people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can consume it without problem; while the second is that the paste helps people diagnosed with diabetes to control blood sugar levels.

If you want to choose one of the two foods as a complement to your daily diet, will be able to do so taking into account bothus tastes as your needs, however, nutrition experts recommend that in any case It will always be healthier to choose whole grain versions of both foods, as they have higher levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

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Likewise, this will also depend on the preparation that is made, in addition to the accompaniments you choose, it will also affect the order in which you eat the foods, and even the time at which you decide to eat them.

Portions you should eat

Portion size is also a determining factor in a healthy diet and if you have the goal of losing weight. According to nutrition experts, the portion for an adult, without serious health problems and who spends normal energy during the day, is between 80 and 90 grams of rice or pasta, and it is advisable to consume them only in one of the three meals of the day and prepare it without adding large amounts of salt and oil.

Likewise, it is advisable to accompany them with a portion of vegetables and protein. In this case the portion of vegetables should always be greater than the portion of carbohydrates.

#healthier #eating #rice #pasta #diet

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