Rise in colorectal cancer in young adults

Whether in the United States, Canada or France, the number of colorectal cancers is increasing among young adults, especially those aged 20-30.

Between 2020 and 2023, the number of Americans under the age of 50 struck down by colorectal cancer has increased by 9%. An age group that until now was little affected by this type of cancer. This year, approximately 153,020 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the USA.

Colorectal cancer up 9% in just 3 years in the USA

It is difficult for scientists to explain this phenomenon, but our lifestyles certainly have a strong impact: rising obesity rates, not enough sport, binge drinking among the youngest… Sugary drinks, too much red meat and processed meat are also to be avoided.

Once seen as a disease reserved for the elderly, it is less the case today

The same thing in Canada, adults affected by colorectal cancer, who are in their 20s and 30s, are increasing every year.

A study by the American Cancer Society’, shows that one in five cases of colorectal cancer occurs in people under the age of 55, up from one in ten cases in 1995. Once seen as a disease reserved for the elderly, c is less the case today. If cancer is caught early, cure rates are up to 90%. Remember that almost a third of colorectal cancers are associated with a family history.

Every year in France, colorectal cancer leads to the death of 17,000 people

Every year in France, colorectal cancer kills 17,000 people (all ages).

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