Roads closed and power outages after storm in Carinthia

2023-11-03 08:03:09

As forecast, the heavy rain front and storm announced for Friday night led to numerous road closures, landslides and power outages in Carinthia. In the morning, 1,600 households were still without power, Kärnten Netz GmbH said in response to an APA request. In Berg im Drautal, a residential building was hit by a landslide and in Feistritz im Rosental (Klagenfurt-Land), five cars were damaged when trees snapped by the storm fell into a parking lot.

Shortly after 10 p.m., several trees fell on a parking lot in Feistritz im Rosental due to strong gusts of wind. The owners of the other parked cars were notified to evacuate the area. During this time, however, several trees fell again, which is why the entire parking lot was closed, the police said.

In Berg im Drautal (Spittal an der Drau district), a residential building was hit by a landslide due to heavy rain. The slope slid over the municipal road to a extent of around seven to ten meters and into a house wall. No one was injured and the extent of the damage was not yet known.

The Hermagor district was hit hard by rain. Due to a blockage in the Höflingsbach, the stream overflowed its banks and flooded Gailtalstrasse (B111) in the area of ​​the town of Höfling. Between Tröpolach and Watschnig, the Gailtalstrasse was laid through masses of mud and rubble. The Gailtal cycle path had to be closed to all traffic in places because of the flooding Gail that ran alongside it.

During the night, some main routes were closed due to fallen trees and landslides, including the Loiblpass and the Wurzenpass to Slovenia, but the Loiblpass was reopened in the morning. The Katschberg federal road (B99) was also affected by closures, as were smaller roads such as the L104 between Unterloibl and Ferlach, the L103 (Waidic state road), the L99 (Wellersdorfer road), the L37 (Ferndorfer road) and the L19 (Innerkremser state road). .

“The night was very dynamic, and around 4 a.m. the situation calmed down. There are now 1,600 households without power supply,” informed Robert Schmaranz from Kärnten Netz. The Rosental and the Karawanken area are particularly affected; there are also smaller disruptions in the Görtschitztal and the Pyramidenkogel. The power outages were generally triggered by the storm; the rain was not that important. The plan is to repair all damaged areas on Friday, said Schmaranz.

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