Rodrigo Martín will lead the Precision Personalized Medicine group

Rodrigo Martín, president of the College of Physicians of the province of Tenerife.

The General Assembly of the General Council of Official Medical Associations recently approved the creation of a Work Commission for the dissemination, disclosure and training of professionals in the Medicine of the future, already present, Personalized Precision Medicine.

The Commission will be coordinated by Rodrigo Martín, president of the College of Physicians of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, who considered that “it is essential to prepare and update all medical professionals in this area, already present in all the main hospitals in the country. Therefore, from the profession itself we have the obligation to pay attention to it”.

This Commission aims to collaborate in the preparation of organization plans, human resources, creation of technical structures, as well as in the creation of synergies for the development of Personalized Precision Medicine hand in hand with the different managers of public health and private.

From the Commission it is considered essential that professional organizations promote continuous training in this new knowledge, which advances every day towards a new way of dealing with Medicine, for which it is essential to adapt professionals and faculties where it is prepared professionals the future.

Another of the fundamental axes will be the patients, who must also be aware of the existence of this new way of dealing with pathologies that open up hope for the prevention and solution of many pathologies.

Among the proposed lines of work, the need to activate the creation of synergies between the different governmental, public and private welfare sectors, as well as universities, stands out. The revolution of Personalized Precision Medicine (PPM) will necessarily involve various fields in addition to Medicine, and will force collaboration with other professions such as: Biologists, Computer Engineers and others.

In the opinion of Dr. Rodrigo Martín, “the foregoing reveals that this revolution in Medicine should be coordinated from the Ministry, and more specifically, from the Interterritorial Council, so that its homogeneous development throughout the country is guaranteed in a cohesive and thus facilitating equity in the National Health System (SNS). Personalized Precision Medicine is going to change the organization that existed in the National Health System regarding medical care and the practice of Medicine. The challenge is vital, titanic, revolutionary, but we are still in time to lay the foundations for an innovative conception of health care and the practice of Medicine”, says Martín.

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