RTL Today – Soaring prices: Luxembourg doubled by its neighbors on fuel aid

With a discount of “only” 7.5 cents, Luxembourg is the country of the Greater Region which applies the lowest rebate on the price of fuel. As a result, customers are starting to turn away from our service stations…

Luxembourg is no longer the eldorado of black gold diggers. For a long time, its lower prices fueled an important “tourism at the pump”. But since the price difference with our neighbors has melted, even been reversed (we now find cheaper fuels in Germany and France), the Grand Duchy has clearly lost its attractiveness.

It must be said that our neighbors have made major concessions, offering up to thirty cents off on the price per liter of fuel… where Luxembourg has chosen a “moderate” boost of 7.5 cents, thus losing a long-standing price advantage.

We take stock of these discounts in the Greater Region, but also elsewhere in Europe.

IN LUXEMBOURG: -7.5 cents on fuel

Since Wednesday 13 April, fuel prices have been reduced by 7.5 centimes per liter in Luxembourg. Aid promised by the government at the end of the tripartite with unions and employers. This reduction is currently in effect until July 31, 2022. For motorists, the total bill for a full 50-litre tank is thus reduced by €3.75 compared to “normal” prices.

Remember, however, that next July, residents and cross-border workers will benefit from an energy tax creditwhich will precisely aim to compensate for the rise in energy prices (and the postponement of the index tranche), and which will mean a salary increase for all those who earn less than 100,000 euros per year working in Luxembourg.

IN FRANCE: up to -18 cents on fuel

Following the meteoric rise in oil prices in March, the French government decided on a substantial rebate at the pump. This became a reality on April 1, with a discount of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel which applies in mainland France (17 cents in Corsica where VAT is lower, and 15 cents in Overseas France, where there is no VAT on petroleum products).

This discount, which was originally scheduled to end on June 30, should be extended beyond July 31but should also be replaced in the long term by a “sustainable and targeted” device according to criteria of income and use of the vehicle in a professional context.

IN GERMANY: -30 cents for gasoline, -14 cents for diesel

German motorists welcomed this Wednesday, June 2 with relief lower prices at the pumpthanks to a tax rebate decided by the government in the face of inflation, while a monthly subscription of nine euros now allows you to travel by public transport across the country.

These two key measures of the government of Olaf Scholz to reduce the household bill are in force for a duration of three months.

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Thanks to a drop in taxes to the minimum allowed by the EU, the price of petrol is to fall by around 30 cents per liter, that of diesel 14 cents.

IN BELGIUM: -17.5 cents on fuel

Belgium has chosen to lower the VAT on energy (natural gas, electricity and district heating) and to reduce excise duties on fuels. The poorest Belgian households have also seen the benefit of the “social tariff” on electricity and natural gas extended.

Thanks to aid applied since March 19, Belgians are paying 17.5 euro cents less for every liter poured into their tank.


  • IN ITALY: Nearly 30 billion euros have been released since the beginning of the year by the government. Initial measures, amounting to 5.5 billion euros, were announced in mid-February and supplemented the following month by the announcement of a reduction of approximately 30 cents per liter of fuel taxes.
  • IN SPAIN: Madrid announced at the end of March a plan of six billion euros in direct aid for households and businesses. Started on April 1 and running until June 30 (and extended for another three months), it includes a grant of 20 euro cents per liter of fuel, financed up to 15 cents by the State and 5 cents by the oil companies. It also includes a 2% limit on rent increases and a 15% increase in the amount of the minimum subsistence income.
  • IN SUEDE : Sweden, the European country where diesel is the most heavily taxed, presented a plan in mid-March worth nearly 1.3 billion euros. It consisted in particular of a tax reduction of 1.30 crowns per liter (regarding 12 cents), until October 31.
  • IN HUNGARY: The government has decided that only cars registered in the country might now benefit from the measure fixing the liter at around 1,2 euro.

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