Ruby Marriott suffers from crippling ‘Michael Jackson phobia’

First of all, she really enjoyed the evening. “We all danced, took pictures and laughed,” says Ruby Marriott. But her mood suddenly changed when a Michael Jackson double entered the dance floor. The man performed “Thriller” and a paralyzing panic attack was triggered in the 18-year-old. The young woman has suffered from the “King of Pop Phobia” since her earliest childhood, as she describes to the “New York Post”.

“I couldn’t even look at him,” she said. At the wedding reception, the family tried to comfort her during her panic attack, but the ghostly image of Jackson lingered throughout the night. In the video, Ruby Marriott fights back tears, desperately covers her mouth with her hand and can’t believe what she’s hearing. “No, I’m not drunk. I just don’t like him,” she exclaims, because those around her at the wedding don’t initially understand what suddenly got into her.

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