“Rude” and “violent”… Brigitte Bardot and Nathalie, his ex-wife, swing on Alain Delon!

He is one of the biggest players in our country. His talent is no longer to be proven and he is still the idol of many cinema fans, both the oldest and the youngest. It must be said that his particular personality has allowed Alain Delon to be an atypical and fascinating character. Without his particular character traits, perhaps he would never have had the success that everyone knows him to be.

A success that was rightly addressed in Red line this Monday, June 27. The documentary series broadcast on BFM TV, which, for the occasion, was devoted to the ex of Romy Schneider, Mireille Darc, or even Francine Canovas, said Nathalie. This one appeared precisely in the report in question. In the form of archives, viewers were able to discover the one who shared his life for several years, and mother of Anthony, confide in the burning personality of the actor.

A tormented man?

“It was quite a violent encounter between the two of us. He was very rude. He was sitting on my bag so I asked him if he didn’t mind getting up just a little bit so I could get my stuff.’ Well, take your bag, I don’t give a fuck’, he told me”, she confided in a 50-year-old document. But many women have counted in the life ofAlain Delon. If Nathalie is the only one with whom he married, Brigitte Bardot remains a very important relationship in his eyes and it seems mutual.

BB also appeared in the report of BFM TV and did not fail to deliver some indiscretions on the personality of the actor. “He is a man who has the best and the worst in him”she confided at first before specifying: “Who has a mixture of easy living and hard living. Alain has been wonderfully successful in life, but he has had a lot of problems succeeding in life”.

See also: When Alain Delon kisses an atomic bomb!


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