Rull Boy Scouts: Donations for Children’s Villages in Jakarta, Ukraine and Afghanistan

It has become an annual ritual: the Christmas tree campaign of the Rull scouts. In view of the terrible current political events, they are donating the majority of the proceeds to various organizations this year.

As every year, we set off at the beginning of this year to collect the disused Christmas trees in Rulle and to dispose of them properly. Unlike last year, we were finally able to carry out the campaign with our group children again, which made us and the group children in particular very happy. At this point we would like to say a special thank you to the Malteser from Wallenhorst, who tested all participants in advance and thus enabled us to collect the Christmas trees in a corona-compliant manner. We would also like to thank our tractor drivers Alexander Espel, Niklas Kuhn and Steffen Lanwert, without whom the annual campaign would not have been possible. The trees were brought to the collection point at the old school with tractors and trailers, where they could be returned to the natural ecological cycle as shredded material.

In 2022 we collected donations diligently again. True to the Boy Scout motto “Do a good deed every day”, this year we are donating the majority of the proceeds to various organizations in view of the terrible current political events. On the one hand, 500 euros will benefit our aid project, the children’s village in Jakarta/Indonesia, so that the houses there, which are slowly falling apart, can be renovated. Since not only the war in Ukraine, but also the situation in Afghanistan, which violates human rights, has shaken us deeply, we are donating 500 euros each to the UN refugee aid for Afghanistan and to the ARD emergency aid “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” for Ukraine. In both cases, hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing and looking for shelter, which we as scouts very much regret and cannot accept in any way. We want everyone to be able to live in peace and without fear of war, and we therefore express our solidarity with all those who work for peace, human rights and democracy. Thanks to the many donations from Rulle, we hope that a little human suffering can be prevented. We use the rest of the money for our youth work and especially the upcoming Pentecost camp, which can finally take place again this year. Thank you for every single donation we have received.

Good path! The Rull Boy Scouts

T. Ha./pm, Photo: Ruller Boy Scouts

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