Russian Bombardment on Humanitarian Aid Center in Ukraine: Four Killed in War Crime

2023-07-10 08:43:28

Four people were killed in Ukraine during a Russian bombardment on a humanitarian aid distribution center in Orikhiv, in the center of the country, the regional governor announced on Monday (July 10th), calling the strike a “war crime”. The victims are “women aged 43, 45 and 47, and a 47-year-old man”, Governor Yuri Malashko said on social media. Follow our live.

kyiv says it freed up 14 square kilometers last week. One of the army spokesmen, Andriï Kovalyov, specified that 4 km2 were also freed “in the Bakhmout sector”, in the East. These figures bring to 193 km2 the total area taken over by Ukraine since the launch of its counter-offensive in early June.

A NATO summit starting tomorrow. Is Ukraine preparing to become the 32nd member country of the military alliance? NATO leaders are meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday at a summit in Lithuania, where they will notably respond to Ukraine’s application for membership. On the way to Vilnius, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he hoped “the best possible result”.

A candidacy far from achieving consensus. “I do not think that [l’Ukraine] be ready to join NATO”said Joe Biden in particular. Lately, Volodymyr Zelensky seemed to recognize that his country’s membership in NATO was unlikely before the end of the war. But the Ukrainian president, supported by the Eastern European countries, is counting above all on this summit to receive “security guarantees” from Westerners.

A European tour for Joe Biden. Ahead of this summit, the American president arrived in London on Sunday evening. His program is very busy this Monday: meeting with Charles III at Windsor Castle then meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at Dowining Street. He is expected in Vilnius on Tuesday, before flying to Finland, a historically neutral country, which has just joined NATO.

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