Ryback Reclaims His Wrestling Name After Seven-Year Battle: The Triumph of Truth and Hunger

2023-05-19 07:00:00

A long story that dates back to 2016 and ends today for Ryback.

Since being fired from WWE on bad terms in 2016, Ryback has been doing everything he can to try and get his wrestling name back. He tried to change his first name legally so he could use it as a real name and not a trademark, he tried with his lawyer to convince WWE to give him the name Ryback again, but everything was unsuccessful until today .

Today, Ryback changed his name on Twitter to ‘Ryback’ and he shared a picture of a document from the United States Registrar of Trademarks that proves he got his name back after a seven-year battle.

“Thank you to all the people and fans who have stayed with me for these 7 years. We now have to release my social networks and Elon Musk must correct my Twitter rights, it is a mandatory process. The truth always wins and it’s time to play the game. The hungry always wins!

I feel really bad for Vince McMahon, messing with a man’s life, his family, and it won’t age well. Now I’m coming back and the lies will stop for good. »

Since his end of WWE adventure it was impossible for Ryback to use this name for his wrestling shows or his appearances. He also claimed WWE pressured Twitter and social media to restrict his visibility.

It is currently unknown why WWE decided to drop the Ryback trademark seven years later. Maybe Ryback will explain the situation later.

#Ryback #reclaims #WWE #rights #InfoFight

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