Sadat wronged him and his stepmother burned him.. A famous artist married 3 times, including the daughter of an Arab minister, and King Farouk forced him to divorce her.. and the dancer Tahia Karioka caused his death.. You won’t believe who he is!!

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Abdel-Ghani’s father separated from his mother, and married another woman, who mastered the role of the evil witch that we only watched in films, causing Abdel-Ghani El-Sayed a tragic childhood that almost killed him in silence.

The child who did not complete his education worked as “Astorgy Furniture” and continued this work for a long time, and fortunately for him, many well-known personalities flocked to him while working in a furniture store.

The stepmother was deliberately torturing her step-son in a brutal manner; She poured boiling water on him without pity or mercy.

The matter was repeated and the child remained silent so as not to grieve his father, who eventually discovered the matter, to separate from his second wife and finally end the suffering of his son.

One day, while he was immersed in the “humming” that made working hours easy for him, his beautiful voice played the ears of Zaki Murad, who was listening to him by chance. Since then, the singer’s father, Laila Murad, decided to adopt Abdel Ghani artistically.

The musician Zaki Murad was keen on the presence of Abdul Ghani in his home and among his children, so he was training with them, and he began to set out and achieved unique successes that shook the throne of great art such as musician Abdel Wahab,

who, despite his strong love for Abdul Ghani, was afraid of his successes; Because he realized the extent of his unique talent, and Abdel-Ghani was the first Egyptian singer to sing on the Egyptian radio.

After its opening, Abdul Ghani married 3 times, the first, as was the custom, from a relative of his, and it was a traditional marriage, and he had “Zainab and Buthaina” from her.

Then came his second marriage, which was preceded by a love story similar to fairytale love stories, so he kidnapped the elegant knight with his beautiful voice,

The minister’s daughter who fell in love with him. The minister’s daughter asked Abdel-Ghani to gift her a record, so he presented her with the song “Forgotten My Love,” which was a door to her falling in love with him even more.

And the duo decided to marry already, and they got married, and days did not pass, until King Farouk saw the minister’s daughter and her husband in one of the evenings, and he did not like it.

King Farouk forced the singer Abd al-Ghani al-Sayyid to divorce his wife; So that it does not become a habit and simple people from the upper classes marry, and they separated after a few days already.

King Farouk could not hide his jealousy for Abdul Ghani al-Sayyid, who was one of the most handsome singers in this period, and it was his third and last marriage.

From the grief of Tawfiq Rasekh, who lived the story of a struggle in raising her children, including “Laila, Iman, Muhammad”,
Until she was awarded the title of “ideal mother” at the state level in 1982.

Abdel-Ghani presented many patriotic songs in the fifties, about 30, and presented them all to President Gamal Abdel Nasser,

Most of them were lost in the radio archive until Mrs. Hoda, the daughter of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, gave his son “Mohammed” some of these songs that she had kept, as Anwar Sadat, with his assumption of power, prohibited broadcasting these songs.

Among the most famous of them are: “From my people to Abdel Nasser, five acres, the land is our land, long live my country, the revolution of dreams.” After chapters of successes and tragedies, the surprising end came at the hands of the artist, Tahia Karioka, in 1962.

Tahia Karioka called him late at night, after he nearly fell asleep, to ask him to come to her to divorce her from Fayez Halawa.

There was a friendship between Tahia and Abdel-Ghani; So I turned to him, but when he tried to fix it, he was struck by harsh words of Carioca’s salutation that made him upset;

to fall with a heart attack. He lay on his white bed, and with his breath weakened, he said to his wife: “Yashjoon, I’m going to the Hagni party for the six, and there is no singer to sing like me.”

She replied, “You mean the six Umm Kulthum.” But he smiled and said to her: “We are not Aisha.” Then he breathed his last to be buried in the tombs of Sayyida Aisha on August 21, 1962.

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