‘Samsik’ what to do with the husband.. Is the wife not ‘retired from housework’?

Middle-aged women experience changes in their emotions due to a sense of loss, such as physical changes following menopause, but they are also affected by the surrounding environment, such as family. It takes effort for the husband to share the housework. [사진=게티이미지]

There are times when a diligent middle-aged woman doesn’t want to cook at some point. Housework such as washing dishes and cleaning becomes cumbersome. When menopause, when hormonal changes fluctuate, and her husband’s retirement – overlap, the feeling of depression is added. Husbands and children should also participate in the housework. If you are working as a couple, you should not ‘help’, but ‘share’ equally between the couple. What changes do middle-aged couples need?

◆ Sudden changes in hormones… emotions fluctuate

One of the symptoms of menopause in women is emotional change. Hot flashes, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances are also present, but emotions can fluctuate. This is a symptom that occurs when the female sex hormone (estrogen) decreases rapidly. Depending on the person, not only severe emotional ups and downs, but also depression, excitement, loss of self-confidence, loss of concentration, loneliness, anxiety, nervousness, malaise, headache, insomnia, and aggression. Emotional changes include a sense of disappointment or loss due to physical changes during menopause, but they are also influenced by the surrounding environment, such as changes in family and life.

◆ ‘Vase’ of middle-aged women… Should I just be forced to endure it?

If you forcefully put up with the resentment in your heart, the risk of ‘vase’ can increase. Chimi is a disease caused by not properly resolving tantrums. It is also referred to as ‘depression sickness’. Various symptoms such as stuffiness, digestive problems, insomnia, and fatigue may appear. If stress such as unfairness, frustration, or upset accumulates for a long time, it will harm your health. Hwabyeong is different from depression, anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. In severe cases, hospital treatment is required.

◆ What are you cooking today? Shall I ‘strike’ too?

For the past two years, when COVID-19 social distancing was strict, the body of middle-aged women was green onion kimchi every day. Long working from home, the family stayed at home all day and struggled to prepare three meals a day. If someone in your family has a picky taste, the stress is even higher. Shall I ‘strike’ too? You may feel tempted to skip meal prep right away. It’s even harder when my family doesn’t understand this feeling.

◆ Men also go through menopause… . If your husband’s personality changes suddenly

Men also experience severe menopause. The problem is that not only you and your family members do not know that your husband and father are going through menopause, the conflict can deepen. You may suffer from a ‘mood disorder’. Decreased mood, lethargy, abdominal obesity, loss of concentration, and erectile dysfunction appear. Especially for middle-aged men, the stress increases as competition for promotion at work and the crisis of retirement increase. The same is true for working women. If your husband’s personality changes suddenly, you may be suspicious of menopausal symptoms. Another way is to wait patiently instead of responding to a husband who is ‘temperamental’.

◆ Couples with severe emotional changes due to menopause… From ‘River to River’ to mutual understanding

Husbands who truly care for their wives cook for themselves. They don’t complain about side dishes, and they don’t ask for ‘this kind of food’. In the kitchen, the distinction between husband and wife is gradually disappearing. It is difficult for the husband who claims to have three meals a day after retirement. Just as he gained freedom from his hard work life, he should also consider ‘housework retirement’ for his elderly wife. Husbands and wives can both suffer physically and mentally due to hormonal changes. Conflicts should be reduced through mutual understanding and consideration. It’s the 90’s and 100’s. How will the couple spend the rest of their long years… The rest of the decades will be comfortable only when the menopausal crisis is successfully overcome.

Reporter Kim Yong-eok [email protected]

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited

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