Samsung Display achieves new milestone in QD OLED production

The yield in QD-OLED production from Samsung Display is said to be 75 percent. Above all, Samsung wants to use this communication to motivate its employees.

An unusual step by Samsung Display, which has communicated information to its employees about the yield of salable QD OLED displays. Most of the time, manufacturers of displays like to keep a low profile about the level of waste during production. Not only so as not to worry employees, investors and external parties, but also to ensure that competitors do not have a deep insight into their own figures. However, according to Samsung Display, a production yield of 75 percent (25 percent of the manufactured QD OLED displays are therefore not suitable for sale) is impressive.

Yield of QD-OLED production is expected to increase to 90 percent

Samsung's OLED TV S95B available in 55 and 65 inchesSamsung's OLED TV S95B available in 55 and 65 inches
Samsung’s OLED TV S95B available in 55 and 65 inches

Samsung Display has published the figures primarily for its own workforce. Because many employees showed concerns about the competitiveness of the QD-OLED panels that are manufactured in the Asan production line in Chungcheong (South Korea). Especially when you’re up against such an established competitor as LG with its WRGB OLED displays. If the figures are correct, the employees should first pat themselves on the back. But there may not be time for that. Anyone familiar with the Korean work ethic knows that 75 percent is not enough. The board of directors is said to have encouraged employees to increase the value to 90 percent in the coming months.

Up to 1 million QD OLED TVs per year

Samsung Display started shipping QD OLED panels in November 2021. The production facility is said to be able to process 30,000 mother glasses for QD OLED panels per month. If this volume can be fully exploited, around one million 55 and 65-inch QD OLED televisions could roll off the production line each year. Samsung Display sells the QD OLED TV panels to its parent company Samsung Electronics and Sony, while Samsung and Dell also buy smaller QD OLED panels for gaming monitors.

Samsung Electronics remains skeptical

Samsung Quantum Dot OLED TVSamsung Quantum Dot OLED TV
Samsung Electronics executives review the new QD-OLED TVs

Samsung Electronics is marketing its announced QD-OLED-TV S95B not as a flagship TV. Concerns about whether enough units can be manufactured for profitable marketing of the technology are too great. While end users are very interested in the new technology, Samsung Electronics seems to be extremely skeptical. It remains to be hoped that the promising technology will not disappear as quickly as this first OLED TVs from Samsung!

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