Samuel L. Jackson takes center stage in Marvel’s thrilling “Secret Invasion” series

2023-07-15 00:15:00

“Secret Invasion” places Samuel L. Jackson, aka Nick Fury, at the heart of a Marvel. The six-episode series is more of a Cold War thriller than a true superhero tale.

Samuel L. Jackson, central hero of “Secret Invasion”

In the new Marvel series, “Secret Invasion“, Samuel L. Jackson puts himself in the shoes of Nick Fury, the founder of the “Avengers“. This character, who is at the origin of the formation of all the Avengers and who is not a superhero, is finally at the heart of the plot.

A new aspect of Nick Fury

Nick Fury is portrayed differently in this series. He has aged and no longer wears a black patch over his left eye, which appears to be damaged. Marvel fans remember that at the end of “Captain Marvel“, he eliminated the Skrulls, genetic green beings, from the earth by promising to find a new planet after destroying theirs. However, these Skrulls have lost patience and are about to invade the earth, starting a kind of third world war involving the United States and Russia.

A Secret Invasion

Instead of taking on the guise of well-known superheroes, as was the case in a 2000s Marvel comic called “Secret Invasion“, the Skrulls take on the appearance of humans. Therefore, with each appearance of a character on screen, the question arises whether he is not a Skrull in disguise.

A dark and disappointing series for Marvel fans

Secret Invasion” is distinguished by its very dark universe. The first two episodes available to critics may disappoint lovers of the Marvel universe. The series is more like a John le Carré-style Cold War thriller than a true superhero series.

The casting is high-flying with in particular Emilia Clarkethe Daenerys Targaryen from “Game of Thrones“, et Olivia Colmanwhom we adored as Queen of England in “The Queen“, this time in the role of an MI6 agent. However, other characters, like Talos played by Ben Mendelsohna Skrull gone on the good side, have lost their luster.

With a fairly basic depiction of Moscow and Russia, the series lacks imagination in its early episodes. However, it remains to be seen if the other four episodes will manage to raise the bar.

#Marvel #John #Carré #mix #Secret #Invasion

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